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June 29, 2008

Top 10 of the World’s Weirdest Compensation Claims

We thought we would start the week of with bringing you a selection of the World’s weirdest Compensation Claims. This Top 10 list highlights some of the most bizarre cases ever brought to a law court in our opinion. I’m pretty sure there are more out there which we haven’t come across yet. We would also like to thank Professor Gary Slapper for compiling the original list.

judges hammer

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June 29, 2008

Interview with an Injury Lawyer Part 1

Well I guess it had to happen, we eventually caught up with the Partner of the The Injury Lawyers, Aman.

I asked him a few industry related questions and today we are going to publish Part 1 of the interview with an eye on next Friday for bringing the rest of the interview to you then.

interview chair

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By Author
June 29, 2008

Understanding Personal Injury Claims

Today we are focusing on personal injury claims as part of our weekly bite size understanding of Injury Lawyers database. A Personal Injury Claim can be defined as when a person suffers an injury, physical or psychological, as a result of an accident or malpractice through no fault of their own.

Personal Injury Claims

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By Author
June 29, 2008

Personal Injury Law American Style

An American Personal Injury Law firm has built a life-size courtroom within their own building. At a whopping cost of $250,000 the mock-courtroom is perfect in every detail except for a few high tech additions. It is rigged with modern TV cameras, sensor equipment and modern conference calling equipment.

mock courtroom

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By Author
June 29, 2008

Become an Injury Lawyer for Less Than a Tenner

In my never-ending movement across the Internet I have come across some shady looking sites – ranging from AdSense scraper sites (sites that steal someone else’s content to help promote their on-page adverts) to volatile marketing environments that would humble even the greatest of snakeoil salesmen.

snakeoil book

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By Author
June 29, 2008

Why Insurers Hate the Mobile Camera

How many of us have mobile phones? Millions! How many of us have mobile phones with built-in cameras? Still, Millions!. Using mobile cameras at the scene of an accident is a critical piece of evidence in any compensation case.

mobile camera phone

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By Author
June 29, 2008

Understanding Whiplash Claims

In our continuation of our bite size personal injury lawyers database of terms we are focusing on, as our title suggests, Whiplash Claims. The majority of whiplash injuries occur after an road accident and it is an injury focused around the neck area.

whiplash injuries

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By Author
June 29, 2008

Top 10 Lawyers Films and TV Shows

Today were posting a list of my favourite Lawyers Films and TV Shows. There may be a few surprising additions within my Top 10 list but the rules are that I have to have seen the film or tv show for it to be even considered for review.

So if you have anything that you think should be added on the list then post in the comments and if its any good I’ll add it to a later list which I’ll publish soon. Remember it has to be based around lawyers.

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By Author
June 29, 2008

Compensation Claims How long does it take?

Its a well known fact that time period for making a claim is 3 years, right. Wrong! Its a common misconception and its also one of the biggest factors of negligence actions taken against Personal Injury Lawyers that do not understand the rules of claim limitation times.


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June 29, 2008

Debunking The Compensation Culture Myth

In recent years we have seen the adoption of many modern American cultures within the UK. From fast food restaurants to television shows we have immersed ourselves in the star-spangled way of life. But there are some headlines that media outlets and certain groups wish to tag the UK public with that are simply untrue! The image that we are living in a “Compensation Culture” spurred on by lawyers coaxing the public to claim “at-the-drop-of-a-hat” is simply untrue.

myths busted

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