We offer expert legal advice on how to claim compensation for a neck injury

Loads of lawyers represent victims for neck injury compensation claims - but only expert independent lawyers who specialise in neck injury claims can guarantee the best results.
A Neck injury can be an extremely painful experience for any person to suffer. The pain can cause great discomfort to the sufferer and in some cases render a person immobile for a very long time. The majority of neck injury cases happen from car accidents, and these types of cases are commonly known as whiplash injury claims. You can also sustain a neck injury like whiplash from falling suddenly as well.
Any person who has suffered a neck injury from a car accident through no fault of their own can claim compensation. It makes no difference if you are the driver of the vehicle, a passenger, or even a pedestrian - if you have suffered a neck injury in a traffic accident then you have a right to claim.
Recognising the signs of a neck injury
When the ligaments and muscles in the neck area are stretched beyond their normal range of movement they can become stiff and damaged for quite a long time. Neck injury symptoms don't always appear straight away - they can sometimes take 12 to 48 hours or so to develop. For this reason many people don't automatically link their symptoms to a neck injury from an accident.
Many people wake up thinking they have slept awkwardly when they are really suffering from a neck injury caused by an accident. Classic signs of neck injuries caused by accidents include:
- Stiffness and restricted mobility in the neck
- Pain which can sometimes be soreness, a burning or heated sensation, or a dull ache
- Increases in the level of pain when the neck is moved - although movement can typically help to resolve a neck injury
- Pain and stiffness radiating down in to the shoulders and back
- Some additional but less common symptoms that can be associated with neck injuries are: headaches, pins and needles in the arms, dizziness, and sickness
Making a compensation claim for a neck injury
Neck injuries are difficult to predict when it comes to how long you may suffer for and how badly you might suffer from the symptoms. Some people are right as rain after a few short weeks, whereas others can be left with pain and stiffness for months and even years.
Diagnosing a neck injury isn't that difficult - most medical experts can recognise the signs and symptoms, and you can feel the stiffness and restricted movement in and around the neck area. We will prove that your neck injury was caused by an accident simply by setting up an appointment with a medico-legal consultant to write a report for us to use as evidence. This report is also used by us to value your neck injury compensation claim.
You can claim compensation for the neck injury itself which is all about the extent and severity of the symptoms as well as how long you suffer from your injury for. We can also include financial losses and expenses which are known as Special Damages in Neck Injury Compensation Claims. These can include lost earnings from time off work, medication and treatment expenses, travel expenses to and from appointments, to name a few.
Once we have your medical evidence and losses evidence, we can settle your neck injury claim for the maximum compensation payout possible with the other side once liability has been accepted by them.
Private treatment for neck injury claims
There is no 'miracle cure' for a neck injury. Medical experts say that the best thing you can do to help resolve the symptoms and manage the pain is by taking pain killers, using anti-inflammatory drugs, keeping the neck mobile with regular exercise, and sometimes by having physiotherapy.
Physiotherapy on the NHS is often very hard to arrange. You may be on a long waiting list and the options available for treatment may not be as personal as you need and they may not be as convenient for your lifestyle.
That's why we offer funding for private medical care such as physiotherapy, chiropractor sessions, or osteopathic sessions, as part of our high service levels for neck injury claims. You don't pay anything upfront - we recover the costs of the treatment as part of your Special Damages claim for losses and expenses. If the claim doesn't win then we can write the fees off through our medical partners who have insurance to cover the costs.
Just like our no win, no fee agreements we can essentially offer no win, no fee neck injury treatment!
Many law firms will wait for liability to be admitted before arranging for treatment, and some may refuse to give it to you unless it is specifically recommended by a medical expert. We believe that this is wrong because you should get access to treatment for your neck injury when you need it the most - that is, when you are suffering more as the symptoms develop in the early stages.
Instructing us today means we can arrange for treatment for your neck injury right away.
Expected payouts for neck injury compensation claims
It all depends on the individual case but we can use the guidelines to have a look at the brackets for neck injury claims to give you a basic idea of the payout system:
Minor Neck Injury Claims
- Recovery within a few days, weeks, or months: up to £1,500
- Recovery within a period of several months and a year: £1,500 to £3,100
- Recovery takes place within a period of about one to two years: £3,100 to £5,600
Moderate Neck Injury Claims
- Accelerated and/or exacerbated pre-existing conditions, with symptoms usually less than five years. Also for moderate soft tissue injuries where recovery has been fairly protracted and there remains an increased vulnerability to further trauma: £5,600 to £9,800
- Soft tissue or wrenching-type injury and disc lesion of the more severe type resulting in cervical spondylosis, serious limitation of movement, permanent or recurring pain, stiffness or discomfort and the possible need for further surgery or increased vulnerability to further trauma. Also for accelerated and/or exacerbated a pre-existing condition over a prolonged period of time, usually by five years or more: £9,800 to £17,850
- Fractures or dislocations which cause severe symptoms and may require spinal fusion. Also includes chronic conditions that cause impaired function or vulnerability to further trauma, and limitation of activities: £17,850 to £27,500
In the more severe cases the bracket can extend up to around £100,000 - for specialist advice about this, call our injury helpline on 0800 634 7575.
Neck injury claims - Get MORE with The Injury Lawyers!
Our advice is simple - never settle with the opponent directly or you risk dangerously under settling your neck injury claim.
Research has shown that The Injury Lawyers can get you four times more by claiming the proper way - so never take for granted the expert legal advice and representation you can get for your neck injury compensation case. Insurers will want to settle directly with you to save themselves thousands of pounds in lost compensation that should rightfully be yours - this is very common in road accident neck injury claims.
Don't risk losing thousands of pounds: claim the proper way!
Make your neck injury compensation claim today
To find out if you have viable claim for a neck injury and get free advice, fill out our call back form or simply call 0800 634 7575 to speak to an experienced injury lawyer about receiving compensation for your injury.