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June 29, 2008

Understanding 100% Compensation Injury Claims

We thought we would begin to build a little personal injury lawyers database of terms that are branded around within the industry. As our title suggests today we are going to be focusing on 100% Compensation Claims.

Bite Size Injury Lawyers Speak

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June 29, 2008

Accident at Work Combating the Fear Factor

Suffering an accident in the workplace can be a very stressful time. You not only have to deal with the injury that you suffered, the recovery period and in many instances loss of earnings but you have that fear hanging over you about claiming against your employers. What will the repercussions bring when you want to claim compensation for your injuries after suffering an accident at work?

accident at work

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June 29, 2008

Injury Lawyers Tuesday Tom foolery

Hello and welcome to our spot, Tuesday Tomfoolery, where we only focus on the light side of the law. The last couple of weeks we have featured static cartoon stock pictures, well this week we thought we would add another dimension. Video! These video commercials are all from America and range from the funny to the they-actually-paid-money-for-that. We hope you enjoy.

Road Traffic Accident claims feel the affect of a bling bling makeover. I wonder which audience this lawyer is trying to reach?


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June 29, 2008

Blame the Lawyers but is that The Real Truth

Yet another article was printed recently in the British on-line press pages, this time laying blame for the ever-increasing car insurance premiums at the lawyers door-step. It claimed that lawyers were to blame by creating the “compensation culture” that we supposedly find ourselves in today. Now to myself the article was slanted from the start, it was completely one-sided. Whatever happened to good old fashioned journalism where the author would research the facts first.

insurance policy

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June 29, 2008

Brain Injuries the Hidden Illness Within

Brain injuries can affect people’s compulsive nature and decision-making skills. It is a very sensitive area of personal injury law and quite rightly so. Brain injury varies greatly from person to person because each person’s injury allows for differing affects due to the location of the damage.


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June 29, 2008

Understanding Road Traffic Accident Claims

What are the odds that during a drivers lifetime they’ll be involved in a road traffic accident at some time. I’m pretty sure they’ll be low and I wouldn’t even be surprised if they were odd-on. Our roads are getting congested, our lives faster, the demands put upon us greater. So, it shouldn’t really surprise you that around 70% of drivers in the UK admit to speeding.

Speeding Car

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June 29, 2008

When the Workplace goes Up In Smoke

In these modern times when we are all so aware of the environment around us it made me laugh to view a piece in the Times the other day about why 3 Non-Smokers got fired from their jobs for grumbling about smoking. The incident took place in Germany and while it is forbidden to smoke in pubs and restaurants, much like the UK, German law still allows smoking for people working in small offices.


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June 29, 2008

Injury Lawyers Tuesday Laughing Club

As promised here’s a few light hearted look at the legal world that we find ourselves in this Tuesday. Hope you enjoy and remember why don’t you sign-up to our RSS feed and get The Injury Lawyers news and posts straight to your reader as we publish them.


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June 29, 2008

Marketing an Injury Lawyers Website

Not long after the turn of the New Year, The Law Firm On-line Marketing Association (LFOMA) produced an interesting article regarding the look and feel of Personal Injury Lawyers websites. There message was a blunt one – injury lawyers websites fail the test when marketing themselves on-line.

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June 29, 2008

A Reply to Car Crash, Baby

Today the Guardian published an article by Yvonne Roberts called “Car Crash, Baby” in which Journalist Yvonne Roberts writes about her involvement in a road traffic accident, personal injury lawyers encouraging her to claim for whiplash within minutes of her accident and her own insurance company informing Yvonne, “that since there were no witnesses, the costs will probably be split 50:50 ”.


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