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June 29, 2008

Injury Compensation Claim Amounts

This list gives an example of what you might be expected to receive if you are successful in your injury claim. The list shows only a sample of injury claims. The figures involved are a guide only – based on past payments for claims made relevant to the part of the body that was injured.


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June 29, 2008

Whiplash Claims Process

I have been noticing similar type questions being asked on forums and group help sites relating to claiming for whiplash injuries. The noise after these type-of-questions have been asked is incredible – each person or poster an expert with various answers to supplement their eagerness to help.

So, I’d thought it best to write out the whiplash claims process – then perhaps people can direct users in the direction of this page in the event of this question being asked.

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June 29, 2008

Injury Lawyers Guide to making a Personal Injury Claim

If you have suffered an injury, physical or mental, from the actions of a person or business being negligent then you have a right to claim for personal injury compensation. We have compiled this guide to help you choosing the correct injury lawyer / solicitor in the event you may have to make a compensation claim.

the injury lawyers guide

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By Author
June 29, 2008

Injury Lawyers Friday Funnies

We’re taking it a little easier today and going to provide you with another helping of those famously funny videos and commercials that Injury Lawyers produce in the United States…

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June 29, 2008

Seat Belts, whiplash and brain injury claims

With UK roads overflowing with congestion, people racing to be some place 5 minutes ago and the unexpected waiting around every bend even a short car journey to the shops can be a hazardous one to take sometimes. In the event of a road accident happening what are the likely outcomes?
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choosing the correct solicitor
June 29, 2008

Top 10 Famous Lawyers

This post has been awhile in the making. We wanted to run a list of the Top 10 most Famous Lawyers of all time.

The people in our list, for the majority of them found notoriety outwith law but they all studied it at some point in their lives. We have drawn from many avenues to compile our list.

So, sit back and enjoy as The Injury Lawyers bring you The Top 10 Famous Lawyers List…
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June 29, 2008

Using The Internet to Stop Whiplash

Car manufacturers have been hard at work over the years trying to make the vehicles we drive safer. The latest of these safety features has seen installation of lasers and radar equipment to stop your car getting too close to the car in front. Allowing the car to brake for itself without the need for a driver to step on the brake pedal and thus reducing road accidents.

lasers to avoid collision

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By Author
June 29, 2008

Accident at Work

In the event you have suffered an accident at work through no fault of your own you may be entitled to make a claim a compensation claim. Dealing with the pain and shock, and in some cases life changing events, of the injury will, of course, be your first priority. Its is important, however, to get in contact with a personal injury lawyer as soon as its possible to do so.

accident at work

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By Author
June 29, 2008

Accident Claims Against an Uninsured or Hit and Run Driver

Been involved in car accident is an unfortunate event. Being involved in a car accident with an uninsured driver especially if you have been injured and the uninsured driver was at fault – now that’s just worrying if you are looking to make an accident claim. But it need not be so. There is an organisation that can help.

no car insurance

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June 29, 2008

Injury Claims Cutting Out the Middle Man

In April of last year (2007) a new law was introduced to help protect the public from Claims Management Companies. This was to help eradicate some of the underhand marketing and hard sell tactics that these companies performed. Nowadays, strict authorisation and regulation is carried out by the Department for Constitutional Affairs (DCA). But there are still awkward stories emerging from people who have dealt with Claim Management Companies recently.


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