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Debunking The Compensation Culture Myth

In recent years we have seen the adoption of many modern American cultures within the UK. From fast food restaurants to television shows we have immersed ourselves in the star-spangled way of life. But there are some headlines that media outlets and certain groups wish to tag the UK public with that are simply untrue! The image that we are living in a “Compensation Culture” spurred on by lawyers coaxing the public to claim “at-the-drop-of-a-hat” is simply untrue.

myths busted

The rise of media marketing by lawyers over the UK in the past few years has also added strength to the commentators who report that “compensation is spiraling out of control for those wishing to claim after an accident or injury”. Those wishing to seek fast-track payments secured under No Win No Fee claims have been caught up in the myth.

Lawyers that take on a clients case under the “No Win No Fee” claim do so with extreme care. It is not beneficial for lawyers to accept any claim under “No Win No Fee”, because if the result goes against them then they don’t get paid. And in cases where insurers play stalling tactics a case can take up to 3 – 4 years before settlement. Costs can rise greatly.

It is perhaps the case that more people are now aware of the process of making a claim, thanks to media marketing, than ever before. But the fact is claims for injury or accidents to a person, through no fault of their own, have not risen that greatly through the years. The UK has one of the lowest payouts for compensation claims in Europe.

The Injury Lawyers provide a respected, hard working and professional service that will give you the best advice possible on how to best proceed with your claim.

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