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Whiplash Claims

We at The Injury Lawyersare a specialist law firm dealing only in personal injury and clinical negligence claiming, we also have a great deal of experience in handling claims for whiplash injuries. This means that we are best placed to maximise your compensation claim, and give you a high level of service. The following blog aims to give you on overview of whiplash and your possible personal injury claim.

Causes and Symptoms

Whiplash is caused by a sudden jolt to the head/neck that causes the neck to move beyond it’s normal range of movement. This in turn causes damage to the muscles and tendons in the area, thus inflicting the sufferer with the symptoms of whiplash. These symptoms include:

  • Pain/tenderness and or stiffness in the neck area
  • Pain radiating down the back and/or through the shoulders
  • Headaches
  • Pins and needles down the arms
  • Reduced or even no mobility in the neck

Do you have a claim?

Most commonly the clients that approach The Injury Lawyers have suffered whiplash through a road traffic accident. Typically these can be accidents where a car has gone into the back of our client. In these situations, known as rear end shunts, it is highly likely that you will have a claim as the negligence is fairly apparent. As long as the accident was not your fault and you have been injured as a result, it is worth while getting some legal advice as you may have a claim.


If you think you may have whiplash it is advisable to see your GP for a proper diagnosis. Your GP may also refer you to have physiotherapy for your injuries.  If you begin a claim with The Injury Lawyers we can arrange private medical treatment such as physiotherapy at no cost to you and from the early stages of your claim. This means that you get the treatment at a time and location convenient for you, and that you do not have to wait on lengthy NHS lists.

How much is your claim worth?

Claims can be difficult to estimate a value on at the early stages; however, it is the severity of the injury, the length of the suffering as well as the effects the injury has had on your life which are the fundamental basics to placing a value on your claim.

If you require any further information regarding your whiplash claim then feel free to give The Injury Lawyers a call.

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