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Poor Care for the Elderly – Sackings, Suspensions, and how to get Justice!

til01No one should have to suffer – those that do need to be heard!

Reports from the BBC have emerged recently about the poor standards of care elderly patients in nursing homes are at risk of being subjected to. Secret footage filmed by BBC’s Panama showed residents treated disrespectfully – facing taunts, manhandling, and even a case of one being slapped. Some were left unattended for hours, and bells that are used to raise the attention of care staff for assistance were even unplugged and switched off.

Footage from the report, which can be seen here on the BBC news website, contains distressing images of mistreatment at The Old Deanery in Essex, who have commented to say that they are “shocked and saddened by the allegations.”

The report has lead to sackings and suspensions for staff involved. Whilst many care workers are exceptional at their jobs and do all they can to help those in need of their care and help, this damming footage brings to light the behaviour of a minority that is totally appalling. Eight members of staff are said to have been immediately suspended pending further inquiries, with one being summarily dismissed.

This report emerges following recent statistics from the Care Quality Commission that suggest over a third of care homes have received warnings since 2011 about failing to meet the basic standards for care. Many homes are understaffed, leaving residents without care and help for lengthy periods of time.

The report has raised the question about the use of CCTV cameras in homes more permanently to ensure that concerns raised by residents can be properly investigated and do not go unheard.

Legal Advice

We expect a quality level of care for any resident in a home, but where care falls short or where residents are blatantly mistreated, there is a right to take legal action.

You can bring an action as a resident or on behalf of a resident as a family member for negligent care that has caused injury or suffering, as well as for mistreatment. Care homes should of course be insured for such eventualities, and it is their important duty to ensure this kind of behaviour does not take place. Where it does, they can be legally responsible for any suffering or injury caused.

Whilst we of course hope that such isolated incidents can be fully prevented in the future, if you are affected by negligent care or mistreatment, our advice is to speak to us about your legal options. We have represented victims of negligent care in the past and we’re here if you need a no obligation chat about your options.

Call our free helpline on 0800 634 75 75 for advice.

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