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Minor to Moderate Knee Injury Compensation Claims

knee injury claimsAny knee injury can be extremely painful and potentially debilitating. As the main joints that are helping us to remain upright and walk around, walking with pain in the knee or restricted movement can have significant affects on both your work and domestic life.

So here is some advice about making a claim for minor to moderate knee injury compensation – what you should do, how to claim with us, how we can help you out, and roughly what you might be looking at payment-wise.

Medical Attention

Firstly, we are specialist injury lawyers and not medical experts – so any advice about the medical side of things is for general guidance only. You should see your GP or go to a walk in centre or hospital as soon as possible to get the treatment you need. Knee injuries, especially if you are having trouble weight bearing, could be serious. It may be prudent to have an x-ray or be seen by an orthopaedic expert to assess if there is anything that needs urgent attention.

It also allows for the details of the injury and the accident to be logged in your medical notes and this can help us later on down the line of a claim. We will send you to see our own medical expert, and it helps if they can rely upon your medical records to see what the injury was like in the initial stages and to see what investigation and treatment you had had. General advice from medical professionals is to take care when walking with the injury, avoid physical activities, RICE (Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation) and use of medication where necessary.

How to Claim

If the injury was caused through no fault of your own, you may have a claim for compensation if it was caused because of someone else’s negligence. Say you slipped at work or in a supermarket, or tripped over a defect in the street, or similar. To sort of coin a classic adage, where there is blame, there may be a claim. We can usually assess over the phone whether it’s something we can help you out with on a No Win, No Fee basis.

How we can Help You

The important things are that we may be able to offer you not on a No Win, No Fee which normally means you shouldn’t be charged if claim doesn’t succeed, but we may be able to offer you a 100% compensation agreement as well. As specialist injury lawyers, it’s our job to fight for the maximum compensation possible, and that’s exactly what we will do.

Private Treatment

With the NHS struggling with increasing economic pressures, waiting times for treatment can be long. However, if we take your case on, we may be able to get your private treatment right from the start of the claim. You don’t pay anything up front, as we will look to recover any treatment fees from your opponent at the end of the claim. We can usually get the treatment started right away to help you get back on the road to recovery at a much quicker rate!

Average Payments

All claims are different, and the value of your claim is entirely dependent on the severity and longevity of your suffering, as well as any recoverable losses on top. We assess the injury using medical evidence and the official guidelines available to us. For minor to moderate knee injuries, claims can be worth up to around £10,000. As I said before though, how much your claim is worth is entirely dependent on your individual case.

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