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Claiming for a Concertina Collision aka Multiple Vehicle Accident

concertina collisionA concertina collision simply means that there are more than just 2 vehicles involved in the accident, and one vehicle collides with another which then shunts another vehicle, which collides with another; and so on, like a domino effect.

The most common place for this type of accident to occur is in heavy traffic. Vehicles cannot move out of the way and therefore one collision at the back can cause several more down the line of traffic if the first vehicle to be hit is forced in to the one in front.

If an accident occurs on the motorway, taking into account the speed of vehicles, the accident can be severe with many vehicles involved. If you are unlucky enough to be in the middle of one of these accidents, who is to blame?

Well, the more vehicles involved the more complicated it can be to assess who is to blame for the accident. If you have been shunted from behind and into the rear of the vehicle in front, you are likely to be an innocent party. In this circumstance, if you are injured and pursuing a claim for your injuries, you will likely receive 100% of the compensation awarded to you.

It starts to get a little trickier when you are one of the drivers who has approached the initial collision, been unable to stop and collided with the rear of the vehicle in front and then hit from behind yourself. In this scenario, as you were the cause of your first impact by failing to stop, it is likely that you would receive 50% of the compensation awarded to reflect your part in being at fault.

This does not mean you can’t claim; after all, you are not wholly responsible for the injuries you are suffering from as the vehicle behind contributed to that by causing another collision. If you feel more than one impact, it is likely that several vehicles contributed to your injury. This is normally apportioned by a medical expert.

Whiplash injuries can be debilitating and therefore it is always smart to at least enquire about a whiplash claim for personal injury as you should be compensated for the injuries you suffered or are suffering.

Here at The Injury Lawyers we can look into arranging private treatment for your injuries in order to avoid those awful waiting lists on the NHS. This will help you on your road to recovery quicker.

Contact our free dedicated claims line on 0845 634 75 75 for free professional advice on your accident.

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