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Getting the Maximum Amount of Compensation – How do we do it?

Claiming for an injury is often something that nobody knows they will do; after all, an accident is by definition something you did not mean or want to do. However, if you have been affected and make the decision to pursue a claim an important part of this is, of course, is making sure you have a solicitor that will get you the maximum amount of compensation you deserve.

Now, claiming for compensation gets bad press sometimes – however an injury caused by an accident can have devastating consequences; for example, you suffer from loss of earnings or in serious cases you can no longer pursue the career you were heading for. Of course this is a main concern for many, however there are others such as medical and travel expenses that start to mount the longer your rehabilitation time is.

So how is compensation calculated? Basically, the compensation you are awarding depends upon how serious your injury is and how long this will affect your everyday life. For example; if your injury is going to affect you for the rest of your life, you are entitled to more compensation than someone who’s injury will be fully recovered in a couple of years (generally speaking).

Easy enough – so how can we ensure that you get the correct amount? As of course, once you have settled a case, you cannot then re-open and pursue again 10 years down the line in most cases when the compensation no longer covers what it needed to.

We are a specialist personal injury law firm and we have the advantage of having a team of personal injury specialists that know what amount of compensation we should be looking to recover for different types of accidents and injuries. I say this is an advantage as other law firms that specialise in other areas may not have this knowledge available to them.

Secondly, our clients come straight to us – so we are not involved in this scrupulous business of claim referrals. No middlemen are involved or paid, so we have more funds available to us to be able to chase third parties for responses, liaise with barristers and the courts and of course we don’t waste time “buying” information from other people.

We also keep the claim moving forward at all times. We aim to do this in two main ways- both heavily involving our clients. We provide regular and friendly updates to our clients every 14 days to ensure speed and efficiency! This also means that any missing information we may need is never left on a post it in the office – we get this and get moving to the next stages. We also work on a same day basis ensuring that any calls, post, emails are actioned on the day we receive it – so anything received from the other party is actioned and the case progressed speedily.

Finally, we can set up a claim and get it started the same day. If you are happy to proceed, we don’t make you complete lengthy paperwork or forms, we will gather all the information we need using our IT systems which allows your information to be readily and securely accessible when needed.

This efficient and unique way of working ensures that the maximum amount of compensation is also achieved! So if this sounds like something you would like more information on contact us today and our friendly legal team will get your claim started ASAP.

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