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Manual Handling Accident Compensation Claim Advice

Lifting heavy or awkward objects at work can carry a risk of injury – even if your employer has provided you with appropriate training. However, injury which has been caused by none or insufficient training and awareness means your employer could be liable for any injury that has been caused.

Your employer has a duty to take appropriate steps, to reduce the risk of any injuries. These steps are normally identified in risk assessments for the specific manual handling task you are instructed to undertake.

All employees who have an element of manual handling to their job role, which can range from warehouse workers moving lots of heavy crates to office workers moving boxes of paper or files, should receive reasonable Manual Handling Training. This normally includes showing you how to assess the weight of the load, whether the centre of gravity on the object is central, and how heavy and awkward objects should be lifted, pushed or pulled, including how to bend your body to do so. You also need to take in to account any potential hazards along the route to the destination of the lift. Are there any stairs to climb, for example.

The failure of your employer to provide you with any or any adequate training can result in an injury.  Each manual handling task to be done should have had a risk assessment. This should be so detailed that it should even include looking at whether your clothing and footwear is appropriate for the task as well as whether you have the appropriate knowledge and training for the task and, your physical suitability to the task.

If there are any changes made to the task then a new risk assessment should be undertaken by your employer – this can include things such as changes to equipment or the weight of the load.

Injuries caused by Manual Handling are usually in the back area, which of course can be debilitating and have a significant effect on your life as your back gives you the support you need to stand up straight, and flexibility to bend and twist and carry out all your day to day tasks.  Injuries from manual handling can range from muscle strains to other more serious injuries like slipped discs or trapped nerves.

If you have been injured as a result of manual handling in the workplace then you could be entitled to claim compensation for the injuries suffered and other losses incurred as a result of this injury.

The Injury Lawyers specialise only in dealing with claims for personal injury and therefore we have the knowledge and experience to fight your corner for the case.

Please feel free to call our claims line 0800 634 75 75 for free, no obligation advice.

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