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Psychological Injuries – Claiming for Compensation

The full extent of injuries sustained in an accident is often overlooked; even by the sufferer. Whichever the type of accident you have suffered, be it a road traffic accident, a slip or trip, or an accident at work, the chances are that you have probably suffered some type of psychological effect of the accident if the injury and circumstances are serious enough.

Whilst the pain and suffering of a whiplash injury is at the forefront of your mind following a road traffic accident, the effects of the accident can lead to travel anxiety and nervousness which in some cases can have just as much an effect on your daily lifestyle as a physical injury. But is this something to be ignored in the hope you will get over it?

All too often I hear people say it is nothing to worry about, and that they do not want to see a psychologist as they do not feel it is necessary; or they simply pass it off as something that just happens following an accident.

From my personal experience following a recent road traffic accident, the ongoing nervousness remains in my daily commute to and from work and at times causes a huge amount of stress while I’m driving. I also find that the psychological injuries have lead to me being more nervous as a passenger than a driver- even though I was driving at the time of the accident.

Any amount of nervousness, anxiety or further recognised psychological symptoms following an accident is to be expected, and it is not something you should ignore. 

The basis of the amount of compensation you will be awarded following an accident is based on the injuries sustained; in a nutshell, the worse your injuries are and the longer you suffer for, the higher the award is likely to be. It is therefore vitally important that full details of your injuries, both physical and psychological are explored.

At The Injury Lawyers, not only will we ensure we investigate all your physical injuries, but we will also arrange for any necessary treatment or investigation for any psychological symptoms following an assessment. This can range from Cognitive Behavioural Therapy to help overcome symptoms, to following a recommendation to complete the Skills for Life Advanced Driving Course, whilst obtaining the payment for these from the third party at fault for your injuries (normally through their insurance). This will also ensure we obtain the maximum amount of compensation you are entitled to.

If you have been injured in an that was not your fault you are entitled to claim for compensation. There is no claim too big or small.

Call The Injury Lawyers today on 0800 634 7575 for expert legal advice!

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