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Whiplash Compensation Valuations

One of the most common questions we get asked by people who come to us to see if they have a whiplash claim is how much their whiplash claim is worth.

The problem is that it is impossible to properly value your claim right at the beginning.  This is because as expert injury lawyers we do not know the exact nature of your whiplash injury and how long your symptoms will last.  At the end of the day, the value of your claim depends on how severe your injury is, how long it lasts for, and what losses you have suffered.  At the off, we don’t know the answers and therefore cannot value your claim.

As expert injury lawyers we are able to advise you that on average last year, whiplash claims statistically settled for around £2,500.00, and that a minor whiplash injury, the most common type, lasting for around 3-5 weeks, is worth approximately £1,000.00.  If you want to know a bit more about how your claim is valued it may be worth having a look at the Judicial Studies Board guidelines on whiplash injuries.  These give you guideline figures on what different whiplash injuries are worth.  But remember, these are only guidelines, and the amount of compensation you could get could well be different.

So, how do we actually value your claim?  Well the usual course of action is, once liability has been admitted on your case, to get you to attend a medical appointment so that a legal medical report can be made.  Once we have this back it will tell us the exact nature of your injury, how long a medical professional believes you are going to suffer for and what, if any, treatment you need.  On this basis, using our vast experience in dealing with whiplash claims and using guidelines, we can value your claim.  What’s better, at The Injury Lawyers, we always try to get our clients the maximum compensation they deserve, so you can rest assured knowing that the compensation you get for your injuries is the best.

For a confidential chat and some free legal advice, call The Injury Lawyers today on our dedicated claims line where one of friendly team will be available weekdays between 9am and 10pm and weekend days between 9am and 5pm to answer your call!

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