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Claiming After a Car Accident

If you have been involved and injured in a road traffic accident which occurred after the 30th April 2010, and you wish to seek compensation for the injuries you sustained, the good news is that the claims process is very straightforward and quick, meaning you can be compensated fast! 

Prior to the 30th April 2010, claiming for compensation for injuries resulting from a road traffic accident could get a little tedious; especially given that the majority of cases were straightforward.  The reason I say this is because it could take up to 4 months for the other side to simply admit liability, and that meant your claim could take over a year to settle. Even in the easiest of cases, insurers would take their time to accept liability for the accident. However, the process has had a radical overhaul which now means that you should receive an admission or denial of liability within just a couple of weeks, and your claim could be settled in just a couple of months!

Under the new system, the Claimant, i.e. the person making the claim for compensation, must submit a Claim Notification Form online via the Ministry of Justice portal.  Don’t worry if you are unsure what this is – with an expert injury lawyer on your side, they will go through this with you and make sure everything is fine and that it can be submitted to the Defendant.  The Claim Notification Form outlines your accident and details those involved.  It provides the Defendant with notification that you wish to obtain compensation for your injuries.  Once this is admitted, the Defendant has 1 business day to acknowledge the Claim Notification Form and a further 2 weeks to admit or deny liability.  Whereas previously it could take 4 months for the Defendant to admit liability, it now takes 2 weeks!

Once you have received the good news that liability has been conceded, the next step is for a legal medical report to be compiled.  You will be required to attend a medical appointment, but this will be at a time and place convenient for you.  It is particularly important that a medical report is compiled because the medical expert will be able to assess your injuries and advise you on how best to recover, as well as how long they believe you will suffer for.  This is key because it enables your quality injury to properly value your claim.  It means that your lawyer can get you the maximum compensation you deserve.  Better still, getting the medical report done does not take long; and once approved by you, it is submitted to the other side and then negotiations follow, and your claim can be settled. Again this should not take long either.

So, making a claim for injuries caused by a straightforward road traffic accident is particularly easy, and with the right injury lawyer, you can get the maximum compensation your deserve in the shortest time possible.  For some further advice, give us a call at The Injury Lawyers today!

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