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Repetitive Strain Injury

Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) can also be known as Work Related Upper Limb Disorder. It is a general term which can cover a whole range of injuries that are due to repetitive use of a particular part of your body.

RSI’s are reported by as many as 1 in 50 workers around the UK. This large statistic is no wonder when you consider the amount of office based jobs in the UK. It is workers who are predominantly computer based, as well as manual workers, who are most likely to suffer from RSI’s.

There are two types of RSI injury. Type 1 is where a doctor can diagnose a particular injury, such as Bursitis (the inflammation of a fluid sac near a joint on the shoulder, knee or elbow). Type 2 is where a doctor cannot make an accurate diagnosis of a particular condition, but it is plain to see that the patient is suffering and that there may be some swelling.

If you feel you are at risk of getting an RSI, or are beginning to feel the effects of an RSI, you should report the matter to a more senior member of staff within the firm you work.  If your employers fail to act on your reasonable requests and you feel that your health and well-being are being put at risk, you should consider raising a grievance procedure. You should also seek medical assistance from a General Practitioner who can assist with your injuries.

Some useful tips to avoid or lessen the chances of an RSI are to make sure your work station is ergonomically sound – this may be with the use of a special keyboard, mouse, or even back support. It is advisable to take regular breaks and to move around and stretch your muscles. Staying in good physical shape can also mean you have less of a chance of suffering from an RSI. Being a smoker can also heighten your chances of getting an RSI as it affects the flow of blood around your body.

At The Injury Lawyers we have a vast amount of experience in dealing with work-related personal injury claims, and give free claim assessments for everyone. If you feel your employers have failed to act upon complaints or reasonable requests by you, or failed to provide you with the appropriate equipment, then you may have a claim for compensation.

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