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All road users should show pedestrians a duty of care when using the road. As a pedestrian you are more vunerable than any other road user. This is why it’s important that if using the roads at night you are walking in a well lit area or are wearing high visibility clothing. This will help other road users to spot you.

If you do become involved in a road traffic accident then you should move to a safe place, where you are no longer at risk from other drivers. If badly injured yourself or the other party involved should call the emergency services to look over your injuries.

After being involved in a road traffic accident you should try to get as much information as possible. You should get the name, address and contact number of the other party involved. Write down the make of the vehicle they were driving and its registration along with their insurance details. Any photos of the scene of the accident would be of help when pursuing your injury compensation claim, or any photos of your injuries.

If you are taken away in an emergency vehicle before you get chance to take down any details the police should do this for you and you’ll be able to get them at a later date.

If you are a pedestrian who has been involved in an accident with another vehicle then you may be able to make a claim for injury compensation, if the claim wasn’t your fault. Here at the Injury Lawyers we deal with compensation claims on a day-to-day basis, so we have plenty of experience in that area.

If you would like to speak to one of our fully qualified lawyers and pursue making a compensation claim then call us today. We will give you free legal advice and tell you everything you need to know about taking the claim further.

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