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More On Taxi Accidents

We have been focussing a fair bit of our time recently on those people who have been injured in an accident in a taxi and feeling at a loss because the accident was’nt their fault? If this sounds like you – then it might be best to think about placing a claim for compensation.

As a passenger in a taxi which has been involved in an accident, in the eyes of the law you are usually seen as an innocent party – that is if you had no involvement in contributing to the causes of the accident. This means that theoretically your claim should be fairly easy to pursue as there won’t be any arguments to claim that you as the victim are at fault for the accident.

If possible at the scene of the road accident take the details of the taxi driver, his driver number, his vehicle registration number and his companies name and address. Also take any details of any other vehicles involved and also the contact details of any witnesses.

For the injuries you sustained, wherever possible always try to attend hospital; not only is this the best option for you, but it also provides a record of events in your medical notes which can be relied upon at a later date. Try to take photographs of any visible injuries i.e. bruising or lacerations. Also try to write a statement of events yourself; that way you will have something to rely at later stages and important information will hopefully not be missed.

If you have suffered any financial loss as a result of the accident, you could potentially include these costs when pursuing your claim for compensation. Try to save any receipts or details of any expenses you have had to pay for as a result of your accident.

If you chose to purse a claim for compensation, try to place your claim with an independent firm of solicitors – that way you will know that you are the priority in the claim. You don’t want to place your personal injury claim with a firm who are tied to any other firms (e.g. insurers and claims management companies) as your claim will most likely be under settled if the firm has paid out a huge referral fees to deal with your claim!

If you have any queries you can speak to an independent firm of solicitors who will be able to advise you accordingly.

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