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Taxi Compensation Claims

If you have recently been involved in a taxi accident you might be entitled to make a claim for compensation. This is because as a passenger in a taxi, it’s most unlikely that you did anything to cause the accident and so you are seen in the eyes of the law as an innocent party.

Thousands of people use taxi’s everyday and although most taxi drivers are experienced, accidents still happen. Most taxi accidents involve one or more passenger who may have sustained injuries.

At the scene of the accident, if possible, you should: Take details from the taxi driver – his/her name, the name of the firm he/ she works for, their registration number, and their vehicle registration number. Take the names and vehicle registration numbers of any other parties involved. Take names and addresses of any witnesses. Try to sketch a drawing of the scene of the accident or take photographs if possible. All this information will be very useful for the police and also if you choose to make a claim for compensation. It is easy to forget things like the positions of the vehicles and this can be crucial when determining liability so photographs are an excellent source of evidence.

As an innocent party involved in an accident, you are entitled to make a claim for compensation. Your claim will be made against the party at fault and their insurance will cover your compensation costs.  The amount of compensation you are entitled to will depend on your injuries – severity and how long you have suffered for, and how the accident has affected your day to day life.

When placing your claim for compensation it is important for you to choose the right company for you; it’s always advisable to make your claim with an independent firm of solicitors. This is because their interests will lie solely with you – many law firms are tied to insurance companies, which means that they have inadequate time scales to work to and they have usually paid to deal with your claim. The money paid out for your claim, known as referral fees, can’t be claimed back from the party at fault, which means their service levels are usually very poor. Don’t be persuaded by insurance companies and allow them to deal with your personal injury claim – they will have a panel of solicitors who they will sell your claim onto, which is usually dictated by the highest bidder. Insurance companies and claims management companies are not qualified to deal with your claim for compensation so don’t be persuaded by the deals they may offer you as in the long run, it will work out better for them and not for you.

Once you have made your choice as to who you want to deal with your claim, you will be asked to attend a medical examination as part of the claims process. This examination is very important as this provides a crucial piece of evidence for your claim, and it is ultimately how your claim is valued and assessed.

If you have had to pay out for any expenses as a result of your accident, you should forward any receipts to your solicitor as these can be included in your claim for compensation and the expenses might be able to be claimed back.

Your solicitors will be able to advise you of the procedures of your claim and they will be able to help you make your claim with your best interests in mind.

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