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Ikea Fears over Child Seat Safety

The super Swedish furniture company Ikea has announced it is recalling a children’s high chair following reports that the chair is a potential danger to children using it, Sky News has reported (source).

According to the report, the locks securing the seat on the “Leopard Chair” can give way, leading to a child falling through frame. It is believed that so far one child has already become a victim of the seat, sustaining bruises to legs after falling through the frame. There are also fears children could choke on the detached locks.

The issue caught the attention of Ikea following 11 reports of the defective snap locks, including the incident above of the child that was injured, and a second incident whereby a detached snap lock was found in a child’s mouth, but was lucky retracted before any damage was done – so the fears are real!

Ikea have urged people not to use the seats and have stated they will provide refunds for those who wish to return the seat to stores.  

So, what happens if the parents of the injured child wish to claim compensation for the child’s injuries or if anyone else is hurt? Ikea, under the Sale and Supply of the Goods and Services Act 1982, are liable to compensate any victims for their injuries and suffering, not the manufacturer.  Ikea has a duty of care it owes to its customers to ensure that no product they sell can cause anyone to come to harm. Please see here for more information on the legislation : click link.

The concerns are of course are significantly higher when it comes to children being at risk form a product sold. At such a young and tender age, children can be at risk of suffering worse injuries given their fragility. But as a parent wishing to pursue a claim for a child, what happens to the money that is awarded upon the conclusion of a successful claim?

More often than not, the compensation awarded is placed in to a court held trust fund for the child to access when they turn 18. The interest rate on the trust fund is quite generous, and the fund allows for the child to be in complete control of what the cash is used for when they are old enough to have it.

Ikea has advised anyone with fears or questions to contact them on 0845 358 3364.

If you or your child has been injured as a result of a defective or dangerous product, it is more than likely you are entitled to claim for compensation. Speak to an expert independent personal injury solicitor and get the right advice and representation for your case.

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