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Compensation for partial loss of a limb

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A claim for compensation for an injury involving the partial loss of a limb will often be seen as a serious injury compensation case which is what we specialise in here at The Injury Lawyers.

Victims in such a case could be eligible to claim tens of thousands of pounds or even hundreds of thousands of pounds in damages. If the matter is incredibly serious then claims can settle in the millions of pounds region which is often due to the losses and expenses part of a case caused as a result of incapacitation due to the injury.

The best way to find out if you have a case is to speak to our expert team here now for a free claims assessment now.

Claim compensation for partial loss of a limb

Anyone who has suffered partial loss of a limb could be entitled to claim personal injury compensation if the cause of the accident or injuries was the result of negligence.

In many cases of this nature, it is a claim where employees have been injured at work, and it is usually by machinery or equipment. More often than not, it is a defect or a training issue that causes the partial loss of a limb injury, or it could sometimes be the negligence of a colleague. It is always worth remembering that the negligence of a colleague can often be classed as “vicarious liability” which means that the employer is still responsible to meet the claim, usually via their insurance.

In any setting, whether you can claim personal injury compensation will usually come down to whether we can establish somebody has been negligent and that this has caused the accident or the injuries to occur. If you can prove this then you could be entitled to pursue a case for damages for the injury that you suffered from, and claim any losses and expenses that have also occured.

Another common example could be medical negligence whereby the incorrect treatment or diagnosis has been made and this has caused a condition to worsen, which then subsequently causes the partial loss of a limb.

A recent example from the HSE

There was a recent example of a worker who suffered due to a partial loss of a limb in a story published by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE).

The story relates to a manufacturing company that was fined after an employee lost part of a hand which was caused due to a machine with a defective interlock device. As a result of this defect, the machine continued running even when the guard was opened.

The HSE determined that this incident was easily avoidable, had there have been better and simple training in the safe and correct way of operating the machinery, as well as regularly checking that safety devices were functioning.

The company in question was fined over £15,000. You can read more about the story on the HSE website here.

How we can help you now

Our expert team of Injury Lawyers can provide free, no-obligation claims assessments and all you need to do is contact the team here now.

If we believe that you have a claim to pursue, we can represent you for a case on a No Win, No Fee basis. Working this way, what do you have to lose?

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