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56 Dean Street Clinic data leak victims can claim compensation

Our specialist lawyers are already taking on cases for victims of what is one of the biggest data protection breach ever seen.

One email sent to approximately 780 users of a sexual health clinic inadvertently included the full names and email addresses of all of the other recipients. This information should not have been shared so carelessly, and we are now being told that the information may have gone beyond the extent of the recipients.

The victims are entitled to claim and we have pledged to fight for their rights.

Can you claim?

If your details were published on the email then you can make a claim. Given that this email was centred on HIV users, we appreciate the extent of the sensitivity of this issue.

You should already have received the email yourself so you should already know if your information has been leaked. The clinic has released a statement and has reportedly sent an apology email to those affected as well. Sadly it is too little too late.

Most people with a HIV status prefer to maintain their status as confidential and this often includes close friends and family. It is a person’s basic human right for this confidentiality to be maintained, and it should be respected at all times. Organisations handling such sensitive data have a significant duty of care to ensure that the data they handle is kept secure.

In this instance the victims have been catastrophically failed.

Clearly in this instance one simple error has led to hundreds of private names and email addresses being disclosed to third parties. Whilst we cannot turn back the clock, we can fight for your justice if you want to be compensated for what has happened.

Your rights to compensation are enshrined in law

We are offering the clients we act for so far a no win, no fee guarantee for claiming with us. We can offer this to you as well if you are a victim of the 56 Dean Street data breach.

If your confidential information was on the email then you are entitled to claim for compensation. You can contact our expert Data Leak Lawyers 0800 634 7575 today, or use the contact form below, or start a chat with our friendly team today.

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