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Has you GP failed to refer you or diagnose you properly?

We specialise in medical negligence claims and we have expert medical negligence lawyers working for us who are fighting daily battles for the rights of those who fall victim to medical negligence. Whilst the idea of having to sue a doctor or the NHS is certainly unpleasant, when you have suffered due to negligence that could easily have been avoided, you have the right to make a claim.

Funds are put aside for people to claim from when they have legitimately suffered unnecessarily at the hands of a medical professional. In this article we will have a look at GP’s who fail to refer or diagnose patients.

We all know that it isn’t easy getting a GP appointment as and when you want it. Sometimes people have to wait weeks on end for appointments which only worsens the situation when your GP fails to diagnose / treat you, or fails to refer you. We have successfully won cases where a GP has failed to take any action which has led to further suffering or horrendous complications.

Sometimes people are simply ‘fobbed off’ with medication, or advised to simply wait out symptoms. On occasions there is no real attempt at trying to find a solution to certain problems. It is in these cases where you may have a valid claim for a failure to diagnose, treat, or refer.

It isn’t acceptable to be subjected to numerous appointments where no progression towards a proper diagnosis or recovery is made; and where you can’t get a referral to see a specialist at a hospital, it can leave you stuck between a rock and a hard place. So if you eventually end up in hospital as an emergency case, or where you are eventually diagnosed by someone else or eventually referred, you may be entitled to thousands of pounds in personal injury compensation.

What you need to prove in a case like this is that:

  • You could have been diagnosed and / or treated, or referred, at an earlier opportunity
  • The failure to diagnose / treat or refer was for an unreasonable period of time (because there are scenarios were you do need to wait certain periods of time to see how symptoms develop)
  • The failure has led to undue suffering which could have been avoided; and or
  • The failure has led to avoidable complications

Obviously there are some conditions and ailments that will get worse or more complicated if left untreated. Where this could have been avoided, there may be a case to answer to.

What to do

IMPORTANT – medical negligence is a complex and often difficult area of law. This means that you need a specialist expert medical negligence lawyer to fight your case for you.

Don’t leave this to chance – call our free claims helpline for expert advice now on 0800 634 7575.

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