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Fractured or cracked ribs advice about making a claim for compensation

broken, cracked ribs compensation claimsThe thing about fractured or cracked ribs is that, in the vast majority of cases, they are not classed as serious and will often heal in their own good time. There is also normally very little the NHS or any other medical professional can do other than advise you to take pain medication.

They won’t even normally x-ray you because there is little that can be done. But from a claiming perspective, what are we looking at when it comes to fractured or cracked rib claims?

Proving the injury

People are often worried that they cannot prove they have fractured or cracked ribs because you will not normally have an x-ray to diagnose it. You don’t need to fear about making a claim because the medical professionals can normally tell and they should note your medical records with their diagnosis.

We will send you to see our own medical expert who will provide a report to us, that we will then use to value the claim. The report may use extracts or information from your medical records to support it, so we should have the evidence we need to prove the claim.

What can I claim for?

In most claims you can claim for General Damages and Special Damages.

General Damages is for the pain, suffering and inconvenience the injury causes you. For cracked or broken ribs, the pain normally lasts for a few weeks or a few months. Generally speaking, the more you suffer, the more we get for you.

Special Damages is for losses and expenses, like lost earnings from time off work, or medication expenses. Anything you have to pay out for or lose out on financially that is caused by the accident or injury can be claimed back so long as it is reasonable.

How much can I claim?

It is all down to personal circumstances, and as I said above, the general rule is that you get more if you suffer more. But we can use the official guidelines to be able to say what kind of money you’re looking at.

When it comes to the injury alone, fractured ribs causing serious pain and disability for a few weeks or so can be worth up to £2,800. Many argue that this isn’t a large figure – which of course it isn’t – but in most cases the healing process doesn’t take too long and the injury resolves itself.

You can easily break or crack your ribs – it can be common in fall injuries or car accidents, so for help, advice, and quality representation, call us now on 0800 634 75 75.

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