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Burn injury compensation claims help

Even minor burns can result in prolonged pain and unsightly scarring, whether it’s in the short term or the long term. With minor burns, the pain will often go away in a few days, but damage to the skin may last longer.

So for a burn injury compensation claim, how do we value the case and what kinds of things can you include in a claim? Read on for an insight in to what we look for and what we do to value a burn injury case.

Pain and suffering

The pain and suffering element is often based on the severity and length of the suffering. Generally speaking, the more you suffer, the more we get for you. So if you suffer pain from the burn for 10 days, you could expect to get more than someone who had only suffered for three days when it comes to the pain.

Obviously the pain can be rather severe, and if we’re talking severe scalds and burns then the pain may last much longer if there is blistering, scabbing, and any infected or badly damaged skin tissue. This is all taken in to account – including any incidental infections caused as well.


The scarring element may often push the value of compensation in a burn injury claim up much more than just the pain part. For some burns, pain may subside fairly quickly but if you are left with unsightly scarring, whether it’s for weeks, months, or permanently, this is taken in to account.

We value burn injury compensation claims by sending you to see a medical expert who provides a report for us that we then use to value the claim. We’d normally send you to see a plastic surgeon if the scarring is bad, and they will provide an opinion in their report about how long it may last, and the affects this has had on you, and will have on you in the future.

Again, it’s all about the severity of the scarring, and how long it’s there for. It also depends on where the scarring us, and what kind of impact it has on you personally. For example, facial scarring can attract higher awards given the face is so prominent and noticeable and will often have a higher psychological and aesthetic impact. Scars that are hidden in areas that are not normally exposed in public can attract lower awards.

When it comes to the impact it has on you personally, this can depend on you. For example, I have a massive surgical scar running down my leg which I personally think looks rather cool, and it doesn’t stop me wearing shorts! But that doesn’t mean other people share this view, so this kind of thing is taken in to account. If you’re conscious about how it looks, this can be added in to the claim.

Losses and expenses

The pain and the scarring will normally be covered under the General Damages, whereas losses and expenses are covered under Special Damages. Anything you lose out on as a result of the injury, whether it’s through lost earnings, or expenses like pain medication, ointments, bandages, dressings, and other things to help with the wound, we can look to claim it back for you.

As long as it’s a reasonable loss or expense, the other side should have no problem paying you for it. You should never be out of pocket as a result of the claim, so keep a note and retain evidence of any losses or expenses caused.

Call 0800 634 7575 to get your burn injury compensation claim started today.

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