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How Long Does a Whiplash Claim Take to Process?

whiplash process timeThe following blog is on the processing of a whiplash claim and how we at The Injury Lawyers take steps to reduce this time!

The term whiplash has been thrown around by media sources for a long time and Britain has been named as the whiplash capital of Europe. But the fact of the matter is that according to the World Bank, Britain has 79% more cars per kilometre of road compared to the European Union average (source). This means that there is a higher proportion of cars on the road which can mean a higher amount of crashes.

So don’t let the media dissuade you from claiming for whiplash caused by the negligence of someone else – contact The Injury Lawyers and see how we can get you maximum compensation in minimum time!

An efficient process: The Road Traffic Accident Portal

The road traffic accident (RTA) Portal procedure applies to low value RTA claims valued between £1,000 and £25,000. There are commonly three stages to this process.

Firstly, the claim notification form is sent to the third party insurers. After this they have 15 days to admit or deny liability.

Once liability is admitted, we will compile the medical reports necessary to assess your injuries. By assessing the extent of your injuries it is also evidence that is used to value your claim.

Once the medical documents are compiled, we will put an offer forward and the insurer has 15 days to accept the offer or enter into negotiations.

If an agreement is still not reached then the case may go to court and the court may decide on the value of the claim. This is not always the case and most cases are settled out of court (source).

Why The Injury Lawyers can reduce this time further

We would not always recommend that you settle your claim as quickly as possible, as your injuries may get worse before they get better and we may advise that you need to obtain more medical evidence. However, for maximum compensation in minimum time, we do the following.

  • We instruct our own medical experts and treatment providers which have offices all over the country. This cuts out the time of the long NHS queues and gets you treatment as quickly as possible. Once you are treated, and when you are better, you can agree with the opinion of the medical expert and we can get an offer sent across.
  • We will be on the insurer’s case as much as we can to ensure they are sticking to their deadlines and get the results as quickly as possible. We acknowledge the fact that they are allowed a certain amount of time but we don’t want them to get complacent!
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