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Pedestrian Claims

As a pedestrian you can be in danger of being involved in a very serious accident. Motor vehicles are lethal weapons to pedestrians and therefore motor vehicle users must take extra care to avoid injuring pedestrians.

The Highway Code has guidelines for pedestrians which include using pavements if provided, keeping to the right hand side of the road so that you are able to see oncoming traffic if there is no pavement available, and also wearing something light coloured or bright if daylight conditions are poor.

Of course, pedestrians can still be injured even when adhering to these guidelines, as motorists can sometimes be careless.

One of the common accidents involving pedestrians is that of pedestrians stepping into the road from between parked vehicles. Now as a motorist myself, I remember being advised on my driving lessons to check reflections in the parked vehicles for any one that may be trying to cross, particularly children. Therefore more caution must be taken by motorists when passing parked vehicles.

Although pedestrians should use crossings whenever they can to cross the road, this is not always possible.  This is where the Green Cross Code comes into service but again, even when these rules are followed, accidents still occur.

As advised, motorists must take extra care not to injure pedestrians and therefore must be extra cautious when travelling past parked vehicles, approaching pedestrian crossings and generally being aware of the pedestrians in the area.

When a pedestrian is injured as a result of being involved in an accident, particularly children, the consequences can be devastating and sometimes tragically fatal. The injuries can be extremely severe and monetary losses resulting from the injuries can sometimes run in to thousands and thousands of pounds, especially of you are off work for a significant amount of time in order to recover from your injuries.

Here at The Injury Lawyers we see and deal with a significant number of cases involving pedestrians that have been injured as a result of carelessness on the part of the motorist involved. Although the claims are not always straight forward, as sometimes contributory negligence can be alleged – which is where the pedestrian is found to be in some way responsible for the injuries caused.

If you have been involved in an accident as a pedestrian with a motor vehicle and have suffered injuries, whether minor or severe, and possibly monetary losses, we are the guys that will guide you through the claims process with ease and will fight to make sure you get the maximum payout possible.

We deal only in Personal Injury Claims and therefore are specialist in this area.

If you would like some free advice on an accident you have been involved in, then please call our dedicated claims team on 0800 634 75 75.

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