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Making a claim after a car accident

road traffic accident claims

Some people will have you believe that making a claim for compensation is difficult and ultimately not worth the effort. Well, if you have been involved in a road traffic accident and sustained injuries, being compensated for these injuries is actually very straightforward – many cases can be over and done with in a few months.

The first stage of making a car accident claim is straightforward, as we submit all the details of your case to a ‘Claims Notification Form‘. 

This form, which is submitted online via the Ministry of Justice portal, outlines things like the accident date, details of the accident, vehicles and drivers involved. 

If you instruct The Injury Lawyers we will be happy to go through this form with yourself, which we can do so over the phone, and should really only take about 20 minutes of your time to complete.

Once done, it’s submitted to the other side (usually the negligent driver’s insurers) who then have only 1 business day to acknowledge your claim.

Upon receipt of the other side’s acknowledgement they are then granted a further 15 days to investigate your car accident claim and come back with their position on liability. 

At The Injury Lawyers we only take on car accident claims where we genuinely believe they’ll be successful – so during this 15-day period we fully expect to receive an admission of liability. In fact, what we have also seen is that, although the other side have 15 days to investigate, admissions are often received much sooner – again, speeding up the process.

Where liability is admitted, the next stage is for you to attend a medical appointment so that a legal medical report can be drawn up. This will take place somewhere local to yourself and at a time convenient for yourself as well. 

The appointment shouldn’t take too long either, but it’s necessary so that we have evidence that your injuries are a result of the accident, and because it also allows for your car accident claim to be properly valued. 

Getting hold of the report shouldn’t take long and this will be disclosed, with your permission, to the other side, and the settlement process takes place. 

We have a vow here at The Injury Lawyers and that’s “to get you the maximum compensation you deserve” in the shortest time possible!

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