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Whiplash Compensation

Whiplash is becoming a condition that we hear more and more about, whether it be on adverts for injury companies, or from people we know others who have suffered with it. If you are suffering with it, or know people close to you that have suffered with it, then you will probably know how painful it can be to the sufferer, as well as the devastating effect it can have on a person’s life.


Whiplash is caused by a sudden jolt to the head which causes the neck to move beyond it’s normal range; this in turn can cause damage to the muscles and tendons around the neck, back, and shoulder areas. At The Injury Lawyers, we tend to see whiplash more commonly arising from road traffic accidents; however, it can be caused by other accidents such as a fall from a height or a slip on a wet floor. Basically, anything which causes this jolt to the neck can lead to a whiplash injury.


Different people can have differing experiences from whiplash, as it depends on the individual and the severity of the accident. I have gone on to list some of the common symptoms below:

  • Tenderness, swelling and/or pain in the neck area
  • Lack of mobility, or even no mobility in the neck area
  • Pins and needles down the arms
  • Pain radiating down the back, and/or across the shoulders
  • Severe, recurrent headaches

The length of suffering can be highly unpredictable – at The Injury Lawyers we would not advise a person to settle their claim before they have fully recovered, or recovered as much as they are able to for the simple fact that a doctor may predict they will recover in 3 months, when actually they go on to suffer a lot longer – thus making their claim increase in value.


Whiplash sufferers often require medical treatment to relieve their injury symptoms. This is why many law firms offer to arrange private medical treatment for clients.  At The Injury Lawyers, we offer to arrange treatment such as physiotherapy, osteotherapy, or chiropractic assistance at no cost to our clients’ right from the outset of the claim. This means getting private treatment and not having to wait on an NHS waiting list for weeks, or even months on end. This can mean that you recover and are able to get back to normal life quicker.

If you require any further information regarding your whiplash claim feel free to give us a call.

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