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Motorbike Accidents

Vehicles such as motorbikes, bicycles, and mopeds have particular vulnerability on the roads, in that, in the event of an accident, there is far less protection for the rider. Due to the fact that they can be harder to see on the roads by drivers of other vehicles, road traffic accidents can also be more likely. The awareness of the vulnerability and increased road traffic accident statistics for the above named vehicles is heightened by campaigns such as Think Bike!, which I am sure many readers of this article have seen on car stickers or by the side of the road.

Now, accidents involving these types of vehicles happen most prevalently at traffic meeting places, such as junctions and roundabouts. It is a sad fact that many drivers just don’t see vehicles such as motorbikes coming down the road before they pull out – such is the television advertisement which tells us to look, look, and look again to ensure we treble check before we commit to pulling out of a junction. Accidents involving motorbikes, bicycles and mopeds can also be due to a defective road surface, adverse weather conditions, or debris in the road.

Statistics state that it is males around the age of 30-39 who are most likely to ride motorbikes. It is highly likely that this sector of society maybe the main bread winner for a family and are coming up to the peak of their career. This is why it is advisable to seek advice from a specialist personal injury solicitor as soon as possible after the accident, as a good lawyer will then be able to make applications for interim payments sooner before the claim has concluded. Interim payments are payments which can be paid to a claimant who may be suffering financial hardship due to their accident before the conclusion of their case.

If you have been involved in an accident on the road it is important to report it to the police who may need to compile a report. Also to seek medical assistance for your injuries.

At The Injury Lawyers we have a vast amount of experience in dealing with motorbike, bicycle, and moped claims. We work on a genuine no win no fee basis and give free claim assessments whether we take on the claim or not – so you have nothing to lose by just finding out.

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