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Claiming compensation against a supermarket

supermarket claims

Most people go to the supermarket maybe once a week to do the ‘big’ shop. Supermarkets are the height of convenience – everything is under one roof, prices are low, and you can bank on the fact that they’ll have everything you need in stock and with a good choice at that.

As supermarkets increase in popularity, it will come as no surprise for you to learn that supermarket injury claims are also on a steady rise.

The reason is a relative simple one to deduce: supermarkets have a range of hazards that can catch out unsuspecting shoppers and employees.

These hazards may include items being poorly stacked on shelving, floor spillages, tripping over items left on the floor, and that’s just inside, never mind the car parks. 

If you’ve had an accident whilst in a supermarket you may be entitled to make a claim for compensation. This is due to the fact that supermarkets have a duty to the customers to ensure their safety as much as possible

These safety checks could include having regular inspections of the aisles, ensuring they are free of slip and trip hazards and training their staff in the proper way. Supermarkets must stringently adhere to health and safety standards.

If you’ve suffered an accident whilst in a supermarket it’s important to report it to a member of staff and get it logged in an accident book. It is also important to seek medical attention to assist your injuries as this will be recorded in your medical notes.

Taking photo or video evidence (from your phone) of these injuries would also provide valuable evidence for any claim you may have. 

After the accident, you should take a look around and see if anyone has witnessed it, if there are witnesses present it would be helpful to get their contact details so they can support your case further on down the line. 

Lastly it is important to seek out a specialist personal injury lawyer with experience within this area. It is advisable to go to an expert directly and not through referral agents, who will likely sell on your claim to a solicitor who may pay the most for it, but may not give you the best service.

If you have been in accident within a supermarket then contact The Injury Lawyers and we can assess whether you have a claim to make free of charge.

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