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Supermarket Claims

Supermarket injury claims are a lot more common than most people think. There are so many ways in which you can end up being injured in a place full of liquids and food products; spillages and mess on the floors are extremely common. Just ask yourself the question – when was the last time you went in to a supermarket and didn’t notice something out of place on the floor?

So, what happens if you’re shopping along and you slip on a patch of spilt milk, or trip over a boxed up cheese cake lying on the ground? Some may say there’s no point in crying over spilt milk; but landing hard on a solid supermarket floor can easily leave you with a hefty bruise if you’re lucky enough to avoid a broken bone.

Will I have a supermarket claim for compensation?

Well, the answer is – quite possibly! I know that’s not what you wanted to hear, but we need to prove that the supermarket you injure yourself in has failed in the duty of care they have to look after you.

Spillages are a common occurrence – so all supermarkets, and in fact any shop or public premises, must have a quality inspection and maintenance regime in place. All areas of the premises must be regularly checked, and spillages must be cleared away immediately, or marked accordingly to warn the general public of a hazard, or prevent them from accessing it. If a supermarket or shop – or any public place – fails to uphold such a system, they are failing you and your safety – you can make a supermarket claim for compensation against them.

The law is known as the Occupiers Liability Act – it means that the owner of a premises must ensure that it is maintained and is always safe to use. It covers supermarkets, shops, cinemas, shopping malls, nightclubs; anywhere at all!

  •  If you slip on a wet floor where no signs are present, and the hazard hasn’t been cleared away, you can make a claim for compensation against the premises owner.
  • If you trip over a raised section of the flooring – say, a floor tile has tilted up over time – and you land hard on the floor and injure yourself, you can make a claim for compensation.
  • If a member of staff at a supermarket accidentally drops an item on your head whilst trying to reach a top shelf, you can make a claim for compensation.

There really are so many ways you can end up being injured in a supermarket. Luckily, if your injury was caused through the fault of someone else, you can make a claim for compensation for your pain, suffering, and losses (e.g. lost earnings from time off work, medical expenses, care and assistance from family and friends – even when it’s unpaid!).

You should always instruct an independent lawyer on a genuine no win no fee basis. This means you will always receive 100% of the compensation you are legally entitled to recover. If the claim isn’t successful, there are never any costs to you.

Win or lose – you never pay a penny with a genuine no win no fee agreement.

Call 0800 634 7575 to get your claim started today. If you prefer, why not arrange a call back from one of our team, for FREE instant advice on whether you have a claim to make! Just fill out the quick form below and we’ll call you back at a time which suits you.

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