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Refused a GP Appointment… for Being “Dead”

The NHS – it’s no secret that they’re fighting a losing battle. And I come across too many stories in the news of NHS failures that have lead to serious consequences for the victims involved. Although it’s a struggle enough for them, there are still instances of such minor failures that can have big impacts; and it begs the question – how do such little errors end up being made?

Well, this next story may shock you a little. Although the consequences haven’t been too serious, the potential for disaster is evident. According to sources from The Daily Mirror, 63 year old cancer patient Alan Campbell was refused an appointment over the phone… because the surgery claimed he is dead. Yes, that’s right; the NHS Operator refused him an appointment because, and I quote from the source, “Our records show you are deceased”. They could help no further.

Alan attempted to reason with the operator, replying “I’m talking to you, aren’t I?” He stated “I said, ‘You’re joking’, but they said, ‘You must go to your GP to get it sorted. We can’t give you an appointment.’”. The operator refused to assist any further. The frantic former trucker wanted to be seen with a bit or urgency as he was worried his skin cancer had spread to his throat after suffering throat pain. After the mix up had been ‘resolved’ by the surgery, he later called up to book a further appointment and was told yet again that their records indicate he is deceased, and therefore he cannot make an appointment.

It’s a particularly strange story. And for me, this is an example of a minor error that can have significant consequences. I sympathise with the difficult situation NHS workers are in; but hearing this kind of story really does show that on most occasions, it just should not happen. On the flip side of the coin, at least this story hasn’t ended in a tragic outcome as many of the NHS blunders often do.

So, what can we do if we are failed by our GP, or the NHS, or any medical attendant for that matter? Well, if it has caused any suffering as a result, then the victim is eligible to make a claim for compensation against the responsible party. Common instances are misdiagnosis, incorrect prescriptions for drugs, or even worse – surgery errors. Any suffering caused can be compensated with a claim for personal injury.

Personal injury claims for medical negligence are often very complex and difficult to pursue. For this reason, it is essential to get representation from an expert personal injury lawyer. Only an expert can deal with your claim from start to finish in the most efficient way; and of course ensure you receive 100% of the compensation you are legally entitled to recover.

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