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Stressed out?

Personal injuries are not always physical injuries more and more people are seeking to claim compensation for a physiological injury, such as, stress related injuries induced by a person’s working environment.

The British people work longer hours than any other nationality in Europe. Working long hours has a direct link to stress related work injuries. British and European law have set limits on working hours:-

* Maximum 48 hours a week
* 4 weeks paid holiday
* At least 1 day off every 7 days
* At least 11 hours not working every day

Your employer has a duty of care to you as their employee under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974. If you are being made ill as a result of increased pressure and stress, your employer has a responsibility to try and ease the level of stress you are subjected to.

Stress can be bought on for a number of different reasons, for example; poor working relationships, too high a workload, a fear of physical danger, bad working conditions, the feeling of no support from fellow colleagues, bullying and sexual harassment. Stress can impact on your life and make you feel depressed and anxious and may lead to much more serious health issues. Research has found that heart attacks are more likely to occur on a Monday as a result of stress than any other day in the week.

The number of cases of physiological personal injury are increasing and it is estimated that 1/5 workers are suffering mental health problems caused by their working environment.

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