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Seat Belts, whiplash and brain injury claims

With UK roads overflowing with congestion, people racing to be some place 5 minutes ago and the unexpected waiting around every bend even a short car journey to the shops can be a hazardous one to take sometimes. In the event of a road accident happening what are the likely outcomes?

Well hopefully the only damage sustained is to the vehicle or vehicles. But unfortunately, even at low speeds, an injury can happen to the individuals involved.

For example our head and brain are extremely vulnerable to receiving heavy blows and also when our head suffers whiplash, even without striking any object, severe damage and brain injury can ensue.

Our brain is a complex area and although protected by our skull, delicate nerve cells within it are easily damaged by vigorous movement or shaking action. Once a moving head stops suddenly, the brain continues its movement and strikes the inner skull wall. If the head impacts with an object at force there may be fracturing to the skull and bone splinters can embed themselves within the brain causing internal bleeding and damage.

Wearing seat belts or safety belts in a car has been the law in the UK since 1967. It has saved an estimated 50,000 lives and possibly hundreds of thousands from serious injury since its introduction. In 1991, back-seat passengers must now belt-up as well. I’m sure we all have seen the television ads showing the effects of a back seat passenger being hurled forward and impacting with the back of the drivers head. Fatal.

At The Injury Lawyers we are experienced professionals in dealing with clients who are seeking compensation for a brain injury claim and also whiplash claims.

Our help, however, comes after the unfortunate road accident. Enforcing all passengers in your vehicle to wear safety belts is a common-sense preventative action to keeping you, your family and friends safe on the roads.

Call us 0800 634 7575 to get your claim started today. If you prefer, why not arrange a call back from one of our team, for FREE instant advice on whether you have a claim to make! Just fill out the quick form below and we’ll call you back at a time which suits you.

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