Advice and help on how to claim for motorcycle accident compensation!

There are a lot of firms out there who will say they can provide you with expert help when you need to make a motorcycle accident compensation claim.

Be aware because there are lot of these claims management companies and accident advice firms who just pass you over to law firms and add no value to your claim. You can also be hit with charges for this and have no choice in the lawyer you get.

So how do you claim motorcycle accident compensation and how do you claim it in the best way possible? Read The Injury Lawyers guidelines for help.

Getting your motorcycle accident compensation claim started

The most vital piece of information you need for us to at least get a case initiated is the registration number of the driver at fault. Other information like their name, address, etc is also helpful, but the primary piece of important knowledge is that number. It doesn’t matter if you don’t have their insurance details as we can get them for you using the registration plate.

As long as you have that, we can normally submit your motorcycle accident compensation claim on the very first day you instruct us. It’s that simple – and we can normally submit a claim form electronically to the insurers to kick start the process.

What can I claim for in a motorcycle accident compensation claim?

There is often much more to a motorcycle accident compensation claim than many other road accident cases. Firstly the injuries are likely to be far worse. We see this all the time. Without the protection a car offers, broken bones and serious soft tissue damage is often a given.

This is why we always aim to instruct the best medical experts we can to provide the highest quality medical reports that we then use to value the claim. So leave this to us – and we’ll make sure to get you the most that we can with our combination of medical evidence and our specialists expertise in personal injury claiming.

But there is so much more when we look at financial losses too. Repair or replacement of your beloved motorcycle is of course claimable, and we can handle that for you as well if you would like us to do so. Replacement gear (helmet, clothing, jacket, gloves, boots etc…) which usually need replacing as a standard after a motorcycle accident is also included.

Any other damage to property can be included too and we can also look to include:

  • Travel expenses to and from appointments – whether it’s by taxi, bus, or a lift from someone you know. In either of those circumstances we can look to claim costs back for you
  • Medical expenses such as pain medication costs
  • Care and assistance claims for family and friends who help you – paid on an hourly rate basis even though you are not being charged

If you need medical rehabilitation then we have it covered – physiotherapy, osteopathic care, chiropractic care, MRI scans, and other things can be funded by us and then included in the claim from the other side as an additional expense.

Start your claim today!

We can take your instructions and get the ball rolling in one simple phone call. It’s that easy. For help and advice, just call 0800 634 7575.

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