Sodium Valproate compensation claims

doctor talking to female patient

Eligible clients can be entitled to claim Sodium Valproate compensation now on a No Win, No Fee basis with our leading team of injury lawyers.

Victims could be due compensation for any suffering and loss that has been caused as a result of medical negligence or product liability in respect of using the drug. Unborn babies may have been exposed to risks when mothers were taking the drug around pregnancy, with few knowing about the risks involved.

Our team can provide free, no-obligation claims assessments – contact us here now.

About the Sodium Valproate scandal

The scandal that has led to some people being potentially eligible to claim Sodium Valproate compensation is about inadequate consent and information about the risks of the drug when it is being taken before or during pregnancy. The drug is an anticonvulsant that is routinely used to help manage conditions such as epilepsy or bipolar disorder, or to alleviate migraine issues. Unfortunately, statistics from the MHRA (Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency) found that the risk of an infant suffering developmental problems when the mother was taking Sodium Valproate was as high as 40%. The risk of the infant developing physical abnormalities was at 10%.

The drug has been used since the 1960’s, and problems in respect of infant developmental disorders were known as far back as the 1980’s. It seems that some women who were pregnant or planning on starting a family were not provided with adequate information about how the drug could affect their unborn child. Many are said to have been completely unaware there was any risk of danger at all, and others may not have been given clear consent from their doctors.

This scandal is reminiscent of the Thalidomide scandal, and thousands of people in the UK and beyond may have suffered unnecessarily due to not knowing about the risks of using the drug.

Can you claim Sodium Valproate compensation?

Anyone who has been affected by developmental and/or birth defect issues could be entitled to claim Sodium Valproate compensation if there is a link established between the problems and the use of the drug. We also need to look into any consent given and information provided about the risks of using the drug, and we need to consider whether they were inadequate.

A victim may be eligible to claim personal injury compensation for any pain, suffering and loss of amenity that has been endured. We may also be able to recover losses and expenses as part of a case as well, and this could include the cost of private care.

Whilst no amount of compensation can ever undo any damage that has been done, this is the way in which some form of justice can be achieved. In a case where we consider that it has a good chance of succeeding, we are able to provide No Win, No Fee legal repression for our clients.

Free, no-obligation advice

Our team is on hand and happy to provide free, no-obligation advice to anyone who needs to talk about Sodium Valproate compensation claims. Whether it is for you or on behalf of someone you know, we are here to help.

We can complete a free claims assessment. If we believe that you may have a case to succeed with, we can offer to represent you on a No Win, No Fee basis.

Speak to the team here now to find out if we can help you today.

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