Complications from hernia mesh and how we can help

Complications from hernia mesh surgery can be common, and in the worst-case scenarios, they can have a serious impact on the patient.

Did you know that the risk of complications can be as high as 30%? Did you know that, in some cases, people can be left with long-term or even permanent complications? Did you know that there are times when there’s very little – or nothing – that can be done to resolve the complications?

As specialist injury lawyers, we’re here to fight for the rights of those who have been wronged. When it comes to hernia mesh compensation claims, it’s important to have the experts on your side.

Can you claim compensation for complications from hernia mesh?

The good news is that you can be entitled to make a claim for personal injury compensation that arises from complications from hernia mesh.

We appreciate that you would probably prefer to not have to suffer pain and problems,  but we can’t turn back the clock. That being said, we can sometimes help with private medical care as part of a case. This can sometimes be useful to ensure that you get the best help possible, and as soon as possible.

You can normally claim for any pain, suffering and loss of amenity caused, and for any losses and expenses like lost earnings from time off work.

How do you prove your case?

We can obtain specialist medico-legal reports to help to support the case for damages for complications from hernia mesh, and to help us determine the value of the claim.

The expert evidence is an incredibly important part of the claims process and will often determine both the success of the case as well as how much you may be able to receive.

If the other side accepts liability, the primary purpose of the report will be for the claim valuation.

No Win, No Fee for complications from hernia mesh

We’re more than happy to offer No Win, No Fee representation for those who claim with us for suffering caused by complications from hernia mesh.

Although we need to obtain the proper medical evidence to be in a better position to know whether there’s a successful claim to make, we can assess the prospects of success using our own risk assessment. If we determine that there are good enough grounds to investigate a claim, that’s where we can offer the No Win, No Fee right from the start.

For a free, no-obligation assessment to see if we can help you too, please don’t hesitate to contact the team. We’re already representing a number of people who are claiming compensation for hernia mesh problems, and we may be able to assist you as well.

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