Accident abroad advice

accident abroad

If you need accident abroad advice, and info about your options for claiming compensation outside of the UK, our lawyers can help.

Although our legal jurisdiction extends only to England and Wales, there are circumstance where you can make a claim for an accident abroad with us. The most common form is where you are on a holiday and this was booked as a package. If the package falls within the scope of The Package Travel, Package Holidays and Package Tours Regulations, we could help.

We’re in the post-holiday month of September. Anyone who has recently returned from a trip abroad should read this advice.

Accident aboard advice for compensation claims

If you need accident abroad advice and legal representation for a claim for personal injury compensation, our lawyers can help.

If you were injured abroad at the hotel or on an excursion that was booked and formed as a part of a package holiday, we may be able to assist. So long as the holiday falls within he remits of a package holiday, and so long as you were injured in circumstances that are directly involved with the package, you may be able to claim.

Some easy examples are where injured occur:

  • At the hotel;
  • On the transport between the airport and the hotel;
  • At a planned excursion booked as part of the package.

Accident abroad advice today

You can speak to us for accident abroad advice today. Our offices are open from 9am to 10pm most weekdays, and 9am to 5pm on weekends.

We can offer No Win, No Fee arrangements for accidents abroad.

We firstly need to assess if the holidays falls within the law that allows you to claim here in the UK. It would be helpful if you have your package holiday information so we can check this.

If you are eligible, we can simply make the claim directly against the travel operator. They can be legally liable to compensate you in-line with The Package Travel, Package Holidays and Package Tours Regulations.

For advice about whether we can help in your situation, please contact the team today on 0800 634 75 75.

You can find more accident abroad advice here.

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