X-Rays and Scans (MRI Scans, CT Scans, etc) Compensation Claims

Scans: one of the fastest way of obtaining a diagnosis without having to cut people open all the time to find out what’s going on!

As technology has moved forward we now have the benefit of x-rays and scans that can tell us whether we’ve broken bones, suffered ligament damage, or whether we’re suffering from life changing diseases like cancer.

But what happens when things don’t go the way they should? What happens if a scan is misread, or a scan is not performed in time? What if a patient is not referred for the proper treatment following a scan?

The results can be devastating, and that’s when we may need to help you.

Misreading scans and failing to diagnose you properly

It shouldn’t happen, but it can.

A medical professional may have misread the results of a scan which can lead to a misdiagnosis (whether this is incorrect or a failure to diagnose) and severe complications. If your condition is not treated in a timely fashion you may suffer for longer and may suffer further complications.

Bones may begin to naturally fuse incorrectly with a missed fracture, or joints may suffer further damage if ligament damage isn’t diagnosed in time. Both could lead to prolonged pain and the need for more treatment and even permanent complications.

Incorrect scan used

Some scans are good for some things, and some are good for others.

An x-ray is generally used to diagnose bone injuries, but it would probably not pick up any ligament damage. An MRI scan would be more suitable for ligament damage, so if you are only given an x-ray with the suspicion of a bone injury, which later transpires to be a ligament injury, the wrong scan has been used.

As with the failure to properly read a scan, you may end up with prolonged problems or complications if you are not given the right scan – and therefore the right diagnosis – in time.

Failure to perform follow up scans

There normally needs to be a follow up to the scan for either treatment or a course of action, but sometimes the failure is down to not following up with further scans.

A fracture may not be easy to identify on an x-ray if the soft tissue surrounding it is badly swollen, and the result is that you may have an undiagnosed fracture. The scan may not be clear due to the swelling so this isn’t a case of a “misreading” as such and it’s more about the follow up.

Once the swelling has gone down a further scan could be performed to correctly identify any problems.

Failure to treat

Once a diagnosis has been made, the correct course of action needs to be followed. But what if it isn’t?

If you suffer for a prolonged period of time or suffer complications because you are then not treated properly, you may also have a claim.

Wining a medical negligence case

This normally comes down to the expert evidence we obtain. Our independent medical expert can assist in assessing the case and provide an opinion as to whether you have been the victim of a misread scan, or perhaps the wrong scan used, or a failure to follow up the treatment plan.

Our expert Medical Negligence Injury Lawyers can fight for your rights to claim on a no win, no fee basis – so, for free and friendly advice, call our team directly on 0800 634 75 75.

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