A swift guide to road accident claims

Have you had a road traffic accident in the past three years? If you answered yes then you could be entitled to claim compensation!

Below is some general guidance as to how The Injury Lawyers can help you claim!

If you have suffered an injury from a road traffic accident then you may have entitlement to:

  • General damages  (medical injury or loss)
  • Special Damages (financial losses)

The first step (Stage 1) requires a Claim Notification Form to be issued to the defendant’s insurers who will then have 15 days to accept liability for a claim.

Stage 2 is the gathering of medical reports. Part of the process usually includes the instruction of an independent medical expert who will issue a professional report recording anything that has caused you damage, injury or loss.

A  settlement pack can then be sent to the defendants once we have all your evidence ready.

This can include:

  • a medical report or reports;
  • evidence of financial losses ( E.g. – not being able to work);
  • evidence of disbursements (for example the cost of any medical report);
  • invoice for medical records
  • any non-medical expert report (E.g. – additional damages such as rental hire and repair to damages on the car);
  • any medical records/photographs served with medical reports; and
  • any witness statements.

Under the rules that guide road traffic accident claims, we then usually make the first offer to the defendant.

During the stage 2 settlement period the defendant has 35 days to consider the offer. This can involve initial consideration period and a negotiation period. The defendant can also make a counter offer during this stage. It must be reiterated that almost all road traffic accident claims are resolved during this stage and rarely go on to stage 3 (court proceedings).

What could you be entitled too? (Non-exhaustive list)

  • a payout for your injury
  • Vehicle damages to your car
  • Medical costs ( E.g. – Physiotherapy and rehabilitation)
  • Recovery of damage to any personal items (examples)

An average example of a minor whiplash injury claim in terms of payouts can be £1000 – £5500, which is usually damage to neck and back tissue that heals in a few months.

Moderate to severe whiplash injuries range from £5,000 to £110,000 in the most serious and permanent of cases.

Call us 0800 634 7575 to get your claim started today.

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