Update on our 56 Dean Street Clinic action – settlements will be available

We’re now at an advanced stage of our action for justice for many victims of the 56 Dean Street Clinic, where an email was sent to almost 800 users of an online service for HIV sufferers without the details (names, email addresses) of all recipients being obscured.

As we speak, we’re still taking cases on, we are now at an advanced stage having successfully persuaded the NHS to agree to pay compensation.

It’s important to understand that our action is against the NHS as data controllers for systemic failures, and we do not blame the staff who sent the email (read on for more about this).

Protecting very sensitive data is easy; but systemic failures put people at risk

There are systems that can be used to stop this kind of thing from happening. Whilst the media have often used the term “human error” in relation to how this happened, we’re looking at the fact that no employee of an organisation should ever be put in a position where confidential and sensitive data can be inadvertently leaked.

We’re fighting for justice for those affected, and we’re fighting for greater responsibility and improvements from organisations in control of this kind of sensitive information. This leak should never have happened in the first place.

Good news – compensation will be paid

For those who have joined our action with their cases well underway, we’re pleased to confirm that an agreement to ensure those affected will be compensated has been initiated. Whilst we still have work to do, the typical next step is to negotiate an appropriate settlement.

All in all the acceptance is, of course, great news. Whilst our clients wish they’d never have been the victim of the leak in the first place, and it’s a real shame this has happened, we’re at least pleased that we are on course to get some form of justice for them.

As we’re helping a large number of those affected – and given our long history of helping people with sensitive and complex legal actions – we really do understand just how bad it has been for those affected by the leak. Of course, it’s hard to truly imagine what the victims are going through, but we have the best possible understanding as their legal representatives fighting for justice.

Would you like to join our action?

It isn’t too late and we’re still accepting new clients, but please be aware that there are some legal deadlines that are due to expire this September 2016, so we do ask that you contact us as soon as possible if you are wanting to start a case.

We have a dedicated team helping the victims for the leak with all your information treated in the strictest of confidence, and we do employ special measures to protect your identity as well.

For a free and confidential chat – all on a no obligation basis – please fill in the contact form below and confirm when is best time to call you.

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