Do I have a medical compensation claim?

As a firm of expert medical compensation claim lawyers we can normally help you to answer this question in one simple phone call.

In case you were not aware, The Injury Lawyers are a real law firm so our advice is real legal advice. We mention this because a lot of the firms on the web, and many who advertise on the telly and radio, are not actual law firms. They are claims management firms who sometimes even purport to be ‘real lawyers.’

So if you want an idea as to how you can know whether you have a medical compensation claim, read on.

Establishing negligence

You have to have been the victim of negligence to make a medical compensation claim. The most common ways this can happen for medical compensation claims are:

  • Incorrect diagnosis or treatment
  • Failure to diagnose or treat you in time
  • Literal surgical or treatment errors

There are many complications that can happen when you are not diagnosed correctly or diagnosed and treated quickly enough. Many illnesses and ailments come with underlying warning signs and there are ways the NHS can establish what’s going on. If you are simply dismissed as having something else, or your condition is not even picked up on, you could be in for some serious problems.

Surgical and treatment errors are exactly as you imagine them to be – leaving a tube inside of you after an operation, or a surgical incision mistake, for example. Its horrifying to think that this can happen, but unfortunately it does…

Proving Negligence

The duty is on the Claimant in a medical compensation claim to prove that they have been the victim of negligence as opposed to the unfortunate victim of circumstance. There are many conditions that are not easily diagnosed or picked up on at first, and it may not be negligence that has caused you problems or delay.

The other primary thing to know is whether the negligence actually caused you any further or unnecessary harm. If complications arise then the answer is probably yes; and this is the same where you suffer for longer because it has taken more time for your condition to finally be treated. If you would have suffered the same anyway even if you had been correctly diagnosed in time, then you may not be able to easily claim.

We can instruct specialist medical negligence lawyers who can provide reports for us to identify that you were first the victim of negligence and then to show that this negligence caused you harm.

How we can help!

You can call us 0800 634 7575 for expert advice on medical compensation claims. We can advise over the phone if we think you have a case and then take your claim on from there.

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