How do I know which lawyer will get me the best result?

It’s a very good question – which is why we have developed this quick guide to let you know how you can tell what lawyer will get you the best result for the case.

You could of course come with ourselves because this guide is based on the exceptional service that we offer, but if you are keen to learn of what that entails, then read on for more information. There are law firms out there who could not only cost you more money but could get you less for your claim than we could get for you ourselves.

Firstly it’s important to know how a claim is valued and what it can be comprised of.

Usually the claim is split in to General Damages for the pain, suffering, and loss of amenity caused; and Special Damages for the losses and expenses. We value the injury side of things using expert medical evidence and our own knowledge of the law, and the losses and expenses claim is about recovering what you reason can.

So to maximise the injury side of the claim, you may need:

  • High quality medico-legal evidence from a suitably qualified expert
  • A lawyer with extensive experience in helping people with your type of injuries
  • Access to expert barristers for their advice
  • A firm with the funds to keep fighting for the right settlement, and not just accepting any old amount

To maximise the losses and expenses side of the claim you may need:

  • A lawyer with extensive experience and knowledge in what can be claimed and what evidence is needed
  • Advice from the start about what you should retain as evidence and what you may be entitled to claim for
  • A firm with the funds to keep fighting for the right settlement, and not just accepting any old amount

I know that the last point is repeated in both lists, but it is very key to the case, but it is very important. Some law firms don’t have the funds to fight for higher payouts, and some will actually not bother claiming back certain losses and expenses for you because it adds to their workload and they can’t afford to conduct the work in their budgets.

As crazy as that sounds, it is very sadly true.

You also need a contract with your lawyer that means you will not be stung with any hidden or unexpected fees, and one that offers you a very good deal. Changes in the law recently mean many accident victims do now have to pay something from their claims to cover expenses that cannot be obtained from the opponent, but some lawyers have gone overboard with the charges.

Some will ask for:

  • 50% of your compensation to cover fees
  • Upfront costs for insurance
  • Upfront costs for administration fees
  • Additional general fees that are not covered in the percentage

For the vast majority of our cases, we do not do any of the above!

What to be wary of!

Considering the list above, what you need to be wary of is inexperienced law firms or non-specialist personal injury lawyers who do not have the right experience to fight for the best payout; firms without access to the highest quality experts; and firms with tight budgets for cases.

At The Injury Lawyers we offer what is needed to maximise a claim, and we aim to maximise the payout as much as we can.

  • We are specialist personal injury lawyers who only represent victims for negligence cases
  • We have specialist lawyers and teams for helping people with particular cases or injury types
  • We have nationwide medical experts and we only accept high quality reports
  • We have special relationships with barristers across the UK to assist with cases
  • We take on and win high volumes of cases, so we can actually afford to fight as hard as we can for your case
  • We can offer bespoke funding agreements that will save you money

Only with a bespoke and high quality service can you guarantee the best results for your claim. So for this and more, contact us 0800 634 7575 today.

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