The Injury Lawyers settle dangerous stool accident at work claim for just under £7,000

Our client was stocking shelves for a well known supermarket when the accident occurred, which resulted in a broken foot that caused a great deal of pain and financial loss. Whilst the break wasn’t a severe one, any fracture or lower limb damage is likely to result in needing a lot of help and needing a lot of time off work.

We were happy to accept the claim using our genuine no win, no fee policy and we were very pleased with the settlement we fought for.

As our client tried to step off of the stool it slipped underneath her because of inadequate grip on the underside of the stool. This was a clear breach of The Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations which says that any work equipment should be:

“…suitable for the purpose for which it is used or provided’ and ‘maintained in an efficient state, in efficient working order and in good repair.”

Clearly, in this instance, that was not the case or the accident would not have happened.

Although we have some of the best records in the world for health and safety at work here in the UK, we take on and win an alarming amount of cases where work equipment is to blame. Work equipment falls under the direct responsibility of employers, and given the nature of the accident in this case, we were successful in persuading the insurer to accept fault for the accident.

They initially tried to offer just over £6,000 but we stuck to our guns and obtained an award that was at the higher end of the bracket. We could have reasonably accepted their lower offer, and many lawyers would have done so for the purposes of keeping down their own costs. But unlike other law firms we are efficient and will make sure we focus our energies on what really matters – getting our clients the best we can for them.

Our client was happy to settle the claim for just under £7,000 – another successful day at The Injury Lawyers as we continue to fight for the rights of negligence victims around the world.

Call us 0800 634 7575 to get your claim started today.

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