Slipped on ice cream compensation advice

Summer – when the weather is nice and the sun is out, it’s always nice for a spot of ice cream. But as I’m sure you can appreciate, ice cream on the floor is a real danger. So happy thoughts of summer aside for a moment, where do you stand if you are the victim of slipping on ice cream?

It may sound more like an embarrassing mishap, but where it happens through no fault of your own and where it could have been prevented, it’s key to know your rights.

If you slipped on the ice cream in a public place like in a shop, or a shopping centre, or perhaps at work, then you may have a claim against whoever is responsible for the premises.

Under the Occupiers Liability Act there is a duty for those in control of the premises to inspect and maintain the floor to clear away and prevent the potential for hazards to form. At work there is The Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations which deal with similar duties for employers.

Slipping on ice cream can result in a hard fall to the floor or significant muscular twisting injuries as well. At The Injury Lawyers we deal with these types of cases all the time and we know all too well the extent of the damage that can be caused.

And we know that, for the victim, it is certainly no laughing matter.

So where you are injured in an accident that was genuinely preventable you may have a successful claim for personal injury compensation. Whether it’s broken bones, torn ligaments, or badly stretched muscles, we can help you.

For advice about your options just call 0800 634 7575. It’s easy to set up a straightforward slipping claim like this nowadays.

We can:

  • Take your instructions over the phone so you don’t have to sign through loads of paperwork
  • Go through the claim notification form that we need to submit over the phone as well – saving you more time and the bother of fling it out yourself
  • Submit the claim to the other side on the very same day you instruct us where possible
  • Provide access to private medical rehabilitation straight away at the start of the claim in many cases

Need one of our expert claims team to call you back about a slipping injury? Then please enter your name, the telephone number you would like us to call you back on, the accident type and when you would like us to contact you in the form below.

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