Finger loss injury at work – The Injury Lawyers advice

Sadly finger loss injury claims for workplace accidents are very common. In fact, they are way too common given how good health and safety in the UK is generally seen as. The HSE are constantly investigating and prosecuting firms for finger loss injuries at work, and we take on and win a lot of these types of claims as well.

So if this has happened to you, what are you rights when it comes to making an accident at work claim, and what can you expect to be compensated for what you have had to go through?

Can you claim?

There are a lot of health and safety regulations that employers have to abide by. If they have breached any regulations because your finger loss injury has been caused through their negligence then you ought to have a winning claim.

One way you can consider whether you have a claim is by answering the following simple questions:

  • Was the accident preventable?
  • Could there have been a safer way of working which would have prevented the injury?
  • Was the accident caused by the negligence of a colleague?

If the answer to any of the above is “yes” then you may have a successful work injury claim. Employers should have liability insurance to cover them for these incidents so all we need to do is claim from the policy that covers you.

The best way to determine the chances of you winning your claim though is to contact The Injury Lawyers and we can advise you free of charge.

How much is a finger loss claim worth?

This is all dependent on the individual nature of the case and your circumstances. Payouts for injury claims are normally split in to General Damages and Special Damages. General Damages is for the pain, loss of amenity, and suffering that has generally been caused; Special Damages are for actual losses and expenses in more monetary terms.

Now, you don’t normally get a huge amount for the General Damages side of things, with payouts typically ranging up to £12,000 or so. But if the finger loss causes significant problems like hampering your ability to do your job, or causing you to be unable to continue at all in your career, then payouts can be increased significantly.

Call us 0800 634 7575, or if you prefer why not arrange a callback from one of our team by using the form below or our online chat facility, for instant advice on whether you have a personal injury claim to make!

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