Welsh NHS at “breaking point”

The Welsh NHS has been in the news a lot recently and this week we have heard the news of a crisis facing GP numbers as well as the announcement of a “super authority” being created to shape the workforce of the future for NHS Wales.

According to reports from the BBC we have one third of GP’s in Wales considering retirement, and recruitment and staff retention have been described as a “concern” in additional reports from this week alone.

Getting a GP appointment is hard enough…

No matter where you are in the country, getting a GP appointment is a battle enough with the lack of GP’s being a problem across the UK. A recent poll suggested that a staggering 35% of GP’s in Wales are considering retirement in the next five years, with a senior doctor describing the Welsh NHS as at “breaking point.”

The shortage has also been described as “inevitable” with the Welsh government taking steps to improve the problem. According to the report, Dr Phil White from the British Medical Association in Wales has said:

“We are facing a serious situation. We already have problems in areas such as Conwy and the Llyn Peninsula where you have one GP serving 5,000 patients”.

Could we see a surge in claims?

We represent large volumes of people pursuing medical negligence claims when they have been the genuine victim of negligence that could have been avoided. A lot of problems come down to either a misdiagnosis or a lack of diagnosis, whether at all or within a good period of time. These issues can lead to severe complications and unnecessary suffering when problems are not diagnosed and treated early enough.

In the wider news, reports have suggested that doctors may be put off practising in Wales due to fears of commuting problems through the countryside terrain and concerns over not being able to speak Welsh. The Welsh government is considering recommendations for changes to avoid any future or growing crisis.

Where do I stand as a victim?

Funding and staffing problems are not your fault. It is clear that changes need to be made and funding needs to be introduced in the right areas, but for you as a victim, you cannot stand ideally by and suffer in silence.

Our medical negligence lawyers can help you access the compensation you are entitled to when you have been let down by the NHS and have suffered as a result. Whether you have had to put your life on hold and have lost thousands of pounds in earnings, or where you have had to rely on friends and family for help, you should know that we are here to assist you.

Don’t hesitate to get in touch for free, no obligation, legal advice.

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