Warning to reduce number of diabetic children being admitted to hospital in Wales

According to sources from the BBC, a call for action to reduce the number of children with type 1 diabetes being admitted to hospital in Wales is required following significant rises in the number of admissions.

Following a recent study by several Welsh universities, children under 15 are five times more likely to need hospital care than non-diabetic children in Wales.

Experts have warned that “poor management” is to blame for the high numbers of admissions for children suffering with type 1 diabetes were the pancreas fails to produce insulin for the body. It has been suggested that more money needs to be used to fund the ongoing care of diagnosed cases and avoid the need for hospital admission when things go wrong.

A new action called “Together for Health – a Diabetes Action Plan” has been launched to tackle the problem!

In a note from our legal team:

“In times where the NHS is stretched beyond its capability and claims are on the rise, more funding is needed with a focus on preventative care to stop emergency care spiralling out of control.
There are clear issues that need to be tackled and we see the destructive end results when people are let down by our health service. The government must step up to their promises for extra funding and look after our important but extremely delicate public health service system”

Let’s not forget that we have a fantastic health service and we should always appreciate the hard work our medical professionals provide on a daily basis. But with so many recent scandals where the problem was identified to be failures to manage and monitor situations and allowing them to get out of control, we all know that more needs to be done.

For advice about your options where you feel that you may have been let down, call our free advice helpline on 0800 634 7575 today.

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