Car crash caused by the rain

The weather is no defence to an accident claim in the majority of circumstances. Drivers ought to know to adjust their driving to suit the road and weather conditions, and a failure to do this that leads to an accident is negligent.

So if you have been the victim of a road accident that has been caused by the wet and rainy weather, know your rights!

No excuse

Don’t worry that the fact that the weather has caused or contributed toward the accident will stop you from claiming, because it doesn’t. If you are the blameless victim in a road traffic accident then you have the right to make a claim for personal injury compensation. If wet conditions caused or contributed toward the driver at fault’s actions, it is not reasonable to use the weather as an excuse.

Common examples:

  • A driver fails to stop due to skidding on a wet road
  • A driver skids across the carriageway from the opposite direction and in to a collision with you due to wet conditions
  • A driver fails to stop at a give way or junction because of skidding on wet roads
  • A driver loses control of their vehicle on a bend due to wet road conditions

In any of the above circumstances, the fact that the road was wet is not an excuse to absolve the driver responsible of the blame. Whilst the weather may have unfortunately contributed toward the happening of the accident, the driver at fault most likely failed to adjust their driving to suit the conditions.

It’s simple – slow down; maintain greater distances between vehicles in front; begin braking earlier; brake more gently. These are all things drivers can do to reduce the risks of the wet weather causing an accident.

Call our specialist team today

Calling our free claims helpline on 0800 634 7575 means your important call will come straight through to one of our team working for The Injury Lawyers. We are a real law firm which means you are not calling some contact centre or third party claims company who will pass your details to a law firm – we are the real deal.

We can normally advise you in minutes if we think you have a claim and we can get your file set up and the case submitted to the opponents insurers all on the very first call if you have all the information we need.

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