Roundabout exit accident claims

As a driver for 9 years now, I feel I’m fairly confident when it comes to the rules of the road and driving safely – as well as being quick to react to potential accident situations. But even the best of drivers cannot avoid the negligence of other drivers, which is why we have to have compulsory insurance to cover accidents and claims.

Roundabouts are a known accident hotspot – I’ve almost been in two non fault ones this week alone! So it seemed worthwhile to write a blog about the basics of roundabout exit claims.

For some drivers, larger roundabouts can be daunting. When there are several lanes it can be confusing to some when it comes to making sure you’re in the right lane. That’s why we are all taught to take extra precautions on roundabouts because they can be an accident black spot.

The basics of manoeuvring from one lane to another are simple – mirror, signal, manoeuvre. But as all drivers ought to know, you should only ever start to change lanes when you know that the road is clear. Unfortunately those who find themselves in the wrong lane often fall foul of this simple precaution that all drivers should adhere to.

The result of course is an accident. When a driver drives across the exit because they have either failed to realise that their lane means they should have come off of the roundabout, or where they realise and try to move over and change lanes, a collision is likely to occur. Twice this week I have had to slam my brakes on and beat the horn because a driver cut right across the path of my vehicle because they were in the wrong lane.

There is no excuse. A driver cannot change lanes when it is not safe to do so, and a driver should simply head off the exit even if it is not the intended exit they were meant to be coming off. If that’s the lane they are in and they cannot safely move over, they should not try and move.

So if you are the victim of a road accident where another driver has cut you up because they are in the wrong lane, you have good prospects of success with a road accident claim. Even if you hit them in the back you should still not be held at fault. Normally a read end collision puts the driver who hit the back of another vehicle squarely at fault, but if it’s the case you were cut up, the other driver should be to blame.

Road accident claims are common and there are a lot of lawyers out there who will offer to help you. But not all firms are specialist personal injury lawyers, and many will now take excessive deductions due to legal fee reforms that happened in April 2013.

For the safer way of claiming where you know exactly where you stand, call our free claims helpline on 0800 634 7575 today.

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